All I remember about you eating habits is how you ate that bigass piece of lasagne at Blue. And then you ate Jess's leftovers... and then Shelias!!!! Crazzzy! LOL
A tip for when you eat out with Jess, share only ONE plate. Something that's high in Protein, maybe carbs and nothing FRIED! Unless you're using a cheat.
Fried is a no no for those abs! Fatty Food is a no no!
Small portions throughout the day, eat every 2-3 hours and you'll see your stomach slowly flatten out.
Just bust granola bars for snacks, cheese strings, or babybels if your shei.
I'm telling you bro, its mad hard at first to get into proper eating habbits but once you get used to it, its all gravy from there. Or should I say all Muscles from there!
I'm glad you joined, keep it consistent and make healthy choices!
if your goal is to cut down body fat for october, i can pretty much guarantee you results man... as long as you can stay consistent wiht this log, and more importantly, take good advice to heart.
my bro pointed it out in his return entry and i say this all the time... you get what you put in. if you want quick results, you sacrifice alot more. if, like you, your goal spans over a longer period of time, change does not necessarily have to be that drastic. it does however, have to be consistent. if you have faith in your routein and in yourself, you WILL get it done.
i hate second guessing myself, but i have forced myself to learn the postivie aspects of it. when you take that cheat meal, think... how much will this put me back from my goals. am i willing to put the extra work to work it off? if so, then do it. we all deserve to be rewarded for our hard work. but if you are so forward driven, that you have the blinders on and you see yourself in 6 months where you want to be, then refrain. same thing with training. i always tel my workout partners when they have to stop b/c its hard or they are tired, "you will not have this set back for another week. you will spend 7 days thinking whether you couldve done more or not. you will feel pain for 10 more seconds but will gain a infinite amount of pride, self respect and steps towards your goal if you jsut do it. do you want to stop? can you find it to finish the job and better yourself?". its all bout drive my friend. if you want it, you have to take it. no apathy allowed. just you and your goals. no excuses are good enough for yourself. this is you we are talking about. your body, your life, your rewards. do it up.
in terms of diet, b/c you have a very long period of time till your goal date, you can go on a very balanced diet plan based on your bodyweight and schedule. let me know what your schedule is like and i can go over some guidelines or even write a plan out for you once i get an idea of the types of foods you like.
as for workouts... consistency is the best workout. i repeat for all of our fellow F.A.T. ppl. ANYTHING WILL WORK AS LONG AS YOU ARE CONSISTENT. give it time and have faith in your diet. diet is number one and once you get it on track, you can do anything or even nothing and get results.
we'll talk more about your schedule and we can come up with sometihng that you can stick with, but most importantly, that you can enjoy and incorporate into your desired lifestyle.
Meals: -meal 1: (woke up around noon so i just ate lunch) consisted of pasta with homemade sauce
-meal 2: snacked on a few (4) fried homemade dumplings
-meal 3: more pasta (love my moms pasta)
-meal 4: protein shake
Work Out: Back: -3 sets of 10 wide grip pull ups (assisted at 55) -3 sets of 10 reverse push ups (a pull up on a bar but in a slanted body position, 45 degree, with my legs touching the floor) -5 sets (12,10,10,8,8) of close grip cable rows (70,75,80,85,85) -3 sets of 10 lat pull-downs (front) (85,90,90) -3 sets of 10 lat pull-downs (behind the back)(90,90,95) -3 sets of 10 close grip lat pull-downs (95x3) -3 sets of 10 wide grip t-bar rows (95x3) -3 sets of 10 free-weight rows (each side) (30x3) -3 sets of 10 lower back raises (25x3)
Traps: -3 sets of 10 shrugs (barbell) (185x3) -3 sets of 10 up-right rows (40x3) -3 sets of 10 shrugs (free-weights) (60x3)
Forearms: -3 sets of Palms-Down Wrist Curl Over A Bench (20x3) -Palms-Down Wrist Curl Over A Bench (12.5x3)
Cardio: -30 min bike on interval setting 8 (300 calories burnt)
JOHNEO! LETS GET FIT & TOIGHT! welcome to the blog! :)
man, i need to work on my sleeping pattern too... its hard cause i work at 2pm, but slowly, i've been able to wake up at 9-9:30am (mostly because im motivated to do morning cardio!) if you can find a reason to get you out of bed, all the better!
and i agree with eddie, when we eat out, you and jess should just share one meal (which is what we try to do)... at least that way, it cuts out the possibility of having to eat any of her leftovers..
ps - come workout with us! we're starting our ride for heart training on the bike! extreme broooo!
i was just reading through some of the blogs and damn you guys are good!!
rob, or anyone else, if you could ya help with a diet plan that would be great. working out is no problem i have a good routine but my diet... well i'm lazy and i eat anything thats easy to make. so this tends to lead to bad habits
also i have a huge (i mean gi-normous appetite) so i get hungry all the time. like right this minute its 11;30pm and i'm starvin' like marvin. should i eat, should i just wait it out?
eddie does no fried food mean i can't fry up eggs and meat. or is that pertaining to deep fried food?
WINTERZ! AW YOU JOINED! I'm so happy! You'll do so well with this. All of us have and we're all here to support and help you out! I didn't even realize that you were on this thing. Good luck with what ever program you get into!
hey john, i can for sure help you out with the diet. if you are pretty flexible with the types of food that you like to eat, its just gonna be a matter of slight changes to the diet and some portion control.
some things i like to know are how hard it is for you to get whole food meals in? if you can guarantee 3 whole food meals then i'd suggest something like...
meal 1 - whole fod
meal 2 - protein shake w/ carb source
meal 3 - whole food
meal 4 - protein shake w/ carb source
meal 5 - whole food
meal 6 - protein shake w/ FAT source.
this makes it easy to get in food since in general, shakes are more convenient. with that basic outline, IF YOU CAN SUBSTITUE A WHOLE FOOD MEAL FOR A SHAKE, THEN DO IT.
and easy way to look at portion control is your palm size in protein, palm size in carbs, and some veggies for every whole food meal. that should equal about 30g protein, 30g carbs, and minimal fat depending on protein source.
protein sources: lean beef cuts, extra lean ground beef, chicken (breast and thigh), egg whites, whole eggs, fish.
carb sources: mainly you wanna get WHOLE GRAIN sources of carbs since they digest slower providing yhou with consistent energy and dont store as fat. brown rice, whole wheat bread, any whole wheat grain. whole wheat pasta. try to limit fruits and fruit juices, or any other sugary sources of carbs. every meal you wanna get some carbs, BUT AFTERWORKOUT, DOUBLE UP YOUR CARBS AND DO WHITE SOURCES LIKE WHITE RICE, WHITE BREAD, FRUIT, JUICE since they will lead to better recovery.
veggies: cant go wrong with most veggies. do them up.
remember, portion control is key. it will seem like you are eating alot of food and in reality, you are. but you are gonna use quality fuel to energize your workouts, give you better muscle recovery, and steer your body to burn fat instead of muscle or your food.
i dont believe in not eating x amount of hours before bed b/c you dont stop recovering b/c its bed time. you actually do most of your recovering during sleep, so the need for protein is highest here. jsut make sure you eat high protein, no carbs, and high fat. fat will boost growht hormone while you sleep and will not store.
in terms of general guidelines, eddie is right. try not to eat deep fried things. eggs arent too bad when you pan fry them, but use cooking spray or a nonstick pan with no oil. same with meat, pan fry with cooking spray or nonstick pans. no batter whatsoever on anything lol. limit fruits and fruit juices unless it is after your workout. keep most carb sources whole wheat or brown. read lables and aim for about 30g protein and 30g carbs per meal. shakes are versatile so use them if you dont have food at your disposal.
these types of diet habits will be great for your appetite! i, like you can eat like a horse, but once you get in this routine, your stomach will shrink b/c you arent forcing it wider with food, thus you most likely will lose and inch or 2 within the first week. and plus, you are eating slow sources of carbs which will prevent hunger, higher protein that dulls hunger pangs, and high fat at night whihc will prevent midnight munchies. you will be good dude, just plan ahead and make sure you always have something to eat. based on your metabolism and what i know about you thus far, i guarantee that you can eat this much, gain some really good size, and cut up really quickly! i think that you have one of those body types that can adapt to everything and put muscle on quikcly and get cut easily as well. lets kill it!
if you wanna work out an actual meal plan with actual food choices, let me know.
also, where did you get this workout routine? it is very extensive and it would be wicked if i could show you some really good intensity training methods and routiens that will minimize your time in the gym, and guarantee you better results. let me konw!
No deep fried food! you can fry up eggs and meat. Just STAY AWAY from SODIUM! Bust red pepper flakes, peppers, or any seasoning to add flavour to your food. Just no salt!
No more deep fried spicey squid my friend, unless we you plan on cheating for hong shings or whatever.
Hey Winterz! My food advice...remember the episode of Simpsons and they rubber the burger on the wall. Then they could see through the wall and the bird flew tried to fly through Bad example, but you should know what is good and bad fats. If you see the plate that you're eating is smothered in too much sauce or you can literally see the fat on any meats. I personally thought that doing the diet would be hard but it's a lot easier when you have your meals already pre-made, when possible. My huge problem is not having the food readily available, so i go for the fastest thing to eat. which is never the healthiest. I've been working with these blogs since October and I'm still a bit lost here and there. But it is great for tips and motivation. Keep blogging and you will be motivated!
ya i'm trying to eat healthier, but its a gradual change, work my way into a healthier life-styley life hehe. i'm still gonna eat yummy stuff, like pizza and pasta. but i'mma cut out bad stuff, chocolates, candies, and dare i say it... DEEP FRIED FOODS... NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!
cuz i missed wednesdays day thingy
Meals: 1-a concoction of potates, turkey and mixed veggies stir fried (mommies cooking <3) 2-yogurt 3-pasta 4-protein shake 5-half a slice of arrabiatta pizza (basil, mushroom, and jalapeno)
Workout: Chest- -5 sets of 5 free-weight(fw) incline bench presses(bp) {50x2,55} -5 sets for 5 fw flat bp {60,65x3,70) -cable flies (6 different angles) {37.5x3,32.5,27.5,22.5) -3 sets of 10 smith machine incline press (90,100,100) -3 sets of 10 fly machine (85x3) -3 sets of 10 wide grip dips
Cardio: 30 mins stationary bike, interval setting 8
hello hello. we are doing some cleaning of the site, so if you have not posted by April 26, or have not otherwise told me that you want to remain on the site, i will be deleting inactive members.
I guess this is a "there and back again" type blog. I once was fat, then I was skinn(ier), and now once again I am fat.
I've made the decision (once again) that I need to make some changes, but this time, make them for good. I am married now. I have a house, a wife who loves me, a great family, an amazing support network of friends, and a dream of starting my own family. I have reasons... more then ever before, to take my life back...
let's go get this shit done buddy! BEACHBODY TIME!!!!
Go get yourself JACKED UP for that tat and Dominican!
Well basically my name is John... and i'm a food-a-holic... lol
to be serious well lets start off by saying i'm an on again, off again workout-er person type person (ya makes no sense). but i want to change that.
my goals are:
-start a consistent sleep and wake up time (crack of noon is not good)
8am and bed by 12pm
-start a consistent diet/nutrition plan (if anyone has tips pointer it would be much appreciated)
-get my meal count to 6 and my portions smaller (way smaller) DAMN relationship weight/leftovers
-physically i want to lean up and achieve a flat belly by october (dominican trip) and an all around toned up body shape
-finally get my cardio workout counts to every other day
That is all (for now!)
All I remember about you eating habits is how you ate that bigass piece of lasagne at Blue. And then you ate Jess's leftovers... and then Shelias!!!! Crazzzy! LOL
Hey John,
A tip for when you eat out with Jess, share only ONE plate. Something that's high in Protein, maybe carbs and nothing FRIED! Unless you're using a cheat.
Fried is a no no for those abs!
Fatty Food is a no no!
Small portions throughout the day, eat every 2-3 hours and you'll see your stomach slowly flatten out.
Just bust granola bars for snacks, cheese strings, or babybels if your shei.
I'm telling you bro, its mad hard at first to get into proper eating habbits but once you get used to it, its all gravy from there. Or should I say all Muscles from there!
I'm glad you joined, keep it consistent and make healthy choices!
RUN DAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
hahah way to be encouraging mary lol hahaha. jk.
if your goal is to cut down body fat for october, i can pretty much guarantee you results man... as long as you can stay consistent wiht this log, and more importantly, take good advice to heart.
my bro pointed it out in his return entry and i say this all the time... you get what you put in. if you want quick results, you sacrifice alot more. if, like you, your goal spans over a longer period of time, change does not necessarily have to be that drastic. it does however, have to be consistent. if you have faith in your routein and in yourself, you WILL get it done.
i hate second guessing myself, but i have forced myself to learn the postivie aspects of it. when you take that cheat meal, think... how much will this put me back from my goals. am i willing to put the extra work to work it off? if so, then do it. we all deserve to be rewarded for our hard work. but if you are so forward driven, that you have the blinders on and you see yourself in 6 months where you want to be, then refrain. same thing with training. i always tel my workout partners when they have to stop b/c its hard or they are tired, "you will not have this set back for another week. you will spend 7 days thinking whether you couldve done more or not. you will feel pain for 10 more seconds but will gain a infinite amount of pride, self respect and steps towards your goal if you jsut do it. do you want to stop? can you find it to finish the job and better yourself?". its all bout drive my friend. if you want it, you have to take it. no apathy allowed. just you and your goals. no excuses are good enough for yourself. this is you we are talking about. your body, your life, your rewards. do it up.
in terms of diet, b/c you have a very long period of time till your goal date, you can go on a very balanced diet plan based on your bodyweight and schedule. let me know what your schedule is like and i can go over some guidelines or even write a plan out for you once i get an idea of the types of foods you like.
as for workouts... consistency is the best workout. i repeat for all of our fellow F.A.T. ppl. ANYTHING WILL WORK AS LONG AS YOU ARE CONSISTENT. give it time and have faith in your diet. diet is number one and once you get it on track, you can do anything or even nothing and get results.
we'll talk more about your schedule and we can come up with sometihng that you can stick with, but most importantly, that you can enjoy and incorporate into your desired lifestyle.
sorry bout hte novel...
good luck buddy, i know you can do it!
Day 1 (boo-yaka)
-meal 1: (woke up around noon so i just ate lunch) consisted of pasta with homemade sauce
-meal 2: snacked on a few (4) fried homemade dumplings
-meal 3: more pasta (love my moms pasta)
-meal 4: protein shake
Work Out:
-3 sets of 10 wide grip pull ups (assisted at 55)
-3 sets of 10 reverse push ups (a pull up on a bar but in a slanted body position, 45 degree, with my legs touching the floor)
-5 sets (12,10,10,8,8) of close grip cable rows (70,75,80,85,85)
-3 sets of 10 lat pull-downs (front) (85,90,90)
-3 sets of 10 lat pull-downs (behind the back)(90,90,95)
-3 sets of 10 close grip lat pull-downs (95x3)
-3 sets of 10 wide grip t-bar rows (95x3)
-3 sets of 10 free-weight rows (each side) (30x3)
-3 sets of 10 lower back raises (25x3)
-3 sets of 10 shrugs (barbell) (185x3)
-3 sets of 10 up-right rows (40x3)
-3 sets of 10 shrugs (free-weights) (60x3)
-3 sets of Palms-Down Wrist Curl Over A Bench (20x3)
-Palms-Down Wrist Curl Over A Bench (12.5x3)
-30 min bike on interval setting 8 (300 calories burnt)
welcome to the blog! :)
man, i need to work on my sleeping pattern too... its hard cause i work at 2pm, but slowly, i've been able to wake up at 9-9:30am (mostly because im motivated to do morning cardio!) if you can find a reason to get you out of bed, all the better!
and i agree with eddie, when we eat out, you and jess should just share one meal (which is what we try to do)... at least that way, it cuts out the possibility of having to eat any of her leftovers..
ps - come workout with us! we're starting our ride for heart training on the bike! extreme broooo!
from, me!
i was just reading through some of the blogs and damn you guys are good!!
rob, or anyone else, if you could ya help with a diet plan that would be great. working out is no problem i have a good routine but my diet... well i'm lazy and i eat anything thats easy to make. so this tends to lead to bad habits
also i have a huge (i mean gi-normous appetite) so i get hungry all the time. like right this minute its 11;30pm and i'm starvin' like marvin. should i eat, should i just wait it out?
eddie does no fried food mean i can't fry up eggs and meat. or is that pertaining to deep fried food?
hit me up, hit me up...
WINTERZ! AW YOU JOINED! I'm so happy! You'll do so well with this. All of us have and we're all here to support and help you out! I didn't even realize that you were on this thing.
Good luck with what ever program you get into!
hey john, i can for sure help you out with the diet. if you are pretty flexible with the types of food that you like to eat, its just gonna be a matter of slight changes to the diet and some portion control.
some things i like to know are how hard it is for you to get whole food meals in? if you can guarantee 3 whole food meals then i'd suggest something like...
meal 1 - whole fod
meal 2 - protein shake w/ carb source
meal 3 - whole food
meal 4 - protein shake w/ carb source
meal 5 - whole food
meal 6 - protein shake w/ FAT source.
this makes it easy to get in food since in general, shakes are more convenient. with that basic outline, IF YOU CAN SUBSTITUE A WHOLE FOOD MEAL FOR A SHAKE, THEN DO IT.
and easy way to look at portion control is your palm size in protein, palm size in carbs, and some veggies for every whole food meal. that should equal about 30g protein, 30g carbs, and minimal fat depending on protein source.
protein sources: lean beef cuts, extra lean ground beef, chicken (breast and thigh), egg whites, whole eggs, fish.
carb sources: mainly you wanna get WHOLE GRAIN sources of carbs since they digest slower providing yhou with consistent energy and dont store as fat. brown rice, whole wheat bread, any whole wheat grain. whole wheat pasta. try to limit fruits and fruit juices, or any other sugary sources of carbs. every meal you wanna get some carbs, BUT AFTERWORKOUT, DOUBLE UP YOUR CARBS AND DO WHITE SOURCES LIKE WHITE RICE, WHITE BREAD, FRUIT, JUICE since they will lead to better recovery.
veggies: cant go wrong with most veggies. do them up.
remember, portion control is key. it will seem like you are eating alot of food and in reality, you are. but you are gonna use quality fuel to energize your workouts, give you better muscle recovery, and steer your body to burn fat instead of muscle or your food.
i dont believe in not eating x amount of hours before bed b/c you dont stop recovering b/c its bed time. you actually do most of your recovering during sleep, so the need for protein is highest here. jsut make sure you eat high protein, no carbs, and high fat. fat will boost growht hormone while you sleep and will not store.
in terms of general guidelines, eddie is right. try not to eat deep fried things. eggs arent too bad when you pan fry them, but use cooking spray or a nonstick pan with no oil. same with meat, pan fry with cooking spray or nonstick pans. no batter whatsoever on anything lol. limit fruits and fruit juices unless it is after your workout. keep most carb sources whole wheat or brown. read lables and aim for about 30g protein and 30g carbs per meal. shakes are versatile so use them if you dont have food at your disposal.
these types of diet habits will be great for your appetite! i, like you can eat like a horse, but once you get in this routine, your stomach will shrink b/c you arent forcing it wider with food, thus you most likely will lose and inch or 2 within the first week. and plus, you are eating slow sources of carbs which will prevent hunger, higher protein that dulls hunger pangs, and high fat at night whihc will prevent midnight munchies. you will be good dude, just plan ahead and make sure you always have something to eat. based on your metabolism and what i know about you thus far, i guarantee that you can eat this much, gain some really good size, and cut up really quickly! i think that you have one of those body types that can adapt to everything and put muscle on quikcly and get cut easily as well. lets kill it!
if you wanna work out an actual meal plan with actual food choices, let me know.
also, where did you get this workout routine? it is very extensive and it would be wicked if i could show you some really good intensity training methods and routiens that will minimize your time in the gym, and guarantee you better results. let me konw!
again... sorry bout the novel lol
No deep fried food! you can fry up eggs and meat. Just STAY AWAY from SODIUM! Bust red pepper flakes, peppers, or any seasoning to add flavour to your food. Just no salt!
No more deep fried spicey squid my friend, unless we you plan on cheating for hong shings or whatever.
You'll do well though, just keep it up!
Hey Winterz!
My food advice...remember the episode of Simpsons and they rubber the burger on the wall. Then they could see through the wall and the bird flew tried to fly through
Bad example, but you should know what is good and bad fats.
If you see the plate that you're eating is smothered in too much sauce or you can literally see the fat on any meats.
I personally thought that doing the diet would be hard but it's a lot easier when you have your meals already pre-made, when possible.
My huge problem is not having the food readily available, so i go for the fastest thing to eat. which is never the healthiest.
I've been working with these blogs since October and I'm still a bit lost here and there. But it is great for tips and motivation.
Keep blogging and you will be motivated!
great tips!
and no sodium, no sauce! DOH!
just kidding...
ya i'm trying to eat healthier, but its a gradual change, work my way into a healthier life-styley life hehe. i'm still gonna eat yummy stuff, like pizza and pasta. but i'mma cut out bad stuff, chocolates, candies, and dare i say it... DEEP FRIED FOODS... NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!
cuz i missed wednesdays day thingy
1-a concoction of potates, turkey and mixed veggies stir fried (mommies cooking <3)
4-protein shake
5-half a slice of arrabiatta pizza (basil, mushroom, and jalapeno)
-5 sets of 5 free-weight(fw) incline bench presses(bp) {50x2,55}
-5 sets for 5 fw flat bp {60,65x3,70)
-cable flies (6 different angles) {37.5x3,32.5,27.5,22.5)
-3 sets of 10 smith machine incline press (90,100,100)
-3 sets of 10 fly machine (85x3)
-3 sets of 10 wide grip dips
30 mins stationary bike, interval setting 8
hello hello. we are doing some cleaning of the site, so if you have not posted by April 26, or have not otherwise told me that you want to remain on the site, i will be deleting inactive members.
Thank you!
Yo Rob,
I think John's Internet is messed up right now, thats what he told us last weekend.
Better step up your internet game and your post game Johnny boy!
lol cool. let me know if you talk to him and he wants to be kept on here then. thanx eddie!
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