Monday, March 17, 2008

SHEILA'S diet and workout log

This is my journal regarding my daily diet regimen as well as my training routine.


Anonymous said...

im f.a.t! thanks for the invite!!

MY GOAL: to be FIT AND TOIGHT! ;) but really, i'd like to drop another 10-15lbs by june... eddie made me fat! lol! we're going to dominican in october, and i'd like to fit into my bikinis again! *sigh*

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


breakfast - oatmeal
lunch - egg sandwich
snack - activia yogurt
dinner - avocado wrap

Anonymous said...

hey shei!
Glad you guys joined. What are your goals according to activities and meals?
Like cutting out certain foods or doing a set routine for workouts?

Rob said...

hey shei! ya let us know your goals in terms of diet and training specifically so we can give some input as we read your logs! glad to see you off to a good start!

Anonymous said...

MY GOALS ACTIVITY-WISE: 1. do the 50k ride for heart. 2. improve my cardio (whether its running, boarding, biking). 3. do the run for cure.

MY GOALS MEAL-WISE: 1. cut out the bad fats - i love food! i just want to eat healthier! 2. no late-night snacking. 3. only allowed two cheat meals a week.


Weeks 1-3:
Day 1 - Core Synergistics
Day 2 - Cardio
Day 3 - Shoulders & Arms, Abs
Day 4 - Yoga
Day 5 - Legs & Back, Abs
Day 6 - Kenpo/Boxing
Day 7 - Rest or Stretch

Week 4:
Day 1 - Yoga
Day 2 - Core Synergistics
Day 3 - Kenpo/Boxing
Day 4 - Stretch
Day 5 - Cardio
Day 6 - Yoga
Day 7 - Rest or Stretch

currently on week 4! will post next month's routine soon!

Anonymous said...

You have week 1-3 all wrong.

The correct list is:

Day 1 - Chest & Back
Day 2 - Plyometrics
Day 3 - Shoulders & Arms, Abs
Day 4 - Yoga
Day 5 - Legs & Back, Abs
Day 6 - Kenpo/Boxing
Day 7 - Rest or Stretch

Anonymous said...

i dont have the whole thing all wrong, just the first 2 days! my bad!

Rob said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Rob said...

my bad, i messed something up and was too lazy to edit lol.

good choice in routine! it's consistent, dynamic (changes), and challenging!

my only piece of advice is make sure you get some protein in every meal you eat, including snacks. protein has the same amount of calories as carbs when equal so eating more protein will not necessarily make you fat. it also has a higher thermic level (raises your body temperature), utilizes more calories to digest then fat or carbs, and is slower digesting then carbs, meaning it'll keep you full longer, and it'll keep your metabolism up for longer. food raises your metabolism so slow digesting meals will keep it up longer (heheh keep it up longer... lol im a nerd). your lunch is good and so is your dinner if you have a portion of meat in there. i would suggest for breakfast, cutting your oatmeal portion in half, and adding a bit of eggs (the cholesterol in them HDL cholestorol or 'good cholestorol'), meat or protein powder. for sure adding more protein in your diet will help with slashing the fat quickly! if you need any tips on getting your protein in, ask mary. she is the queen of protein tips! lol.

great plan with the workout. i look forward to seeing how you guys fair in the 3 months. im sure you will do amazing!

Anonymous said...

Kenpo/Boxing, what is that! It sounds so fun!!

Yes, you definetly need MORE protein in your diet, you hardly get enough. The easiest way of course is Protein shakes, which you can get from Rob since he works at GNC. Depending on what brand you get, they can taste realyl yummy! Like a milkshake!

In terms if my diet, I aim to get 2-3 shakes a day. I always have a shake for breakfast with some carbs (oatmeal, toast etc). I try to have a shake as my last meal before bed (so i don't snack lol), and I try to get a shake inbetween lunch and dinner.

If you get board of shakes, I make protein pudding sometimes. I buy the sugar free fat free Jello pudding mix and add scoops of protien to it. And it tastes awesome!

I tend to eat a lot of lean cuisine at work since i'm lazy and can't cook lol. If they don't have enough protien, I buy cheesestring (so good!) or snack on cold cuts like smoked turkey at my desk. Also, it helps to stock up the fridge at work, it keeps me from eating out and eating bad since i always have healthy options close by.

Anonymous said...

Kenpo is a mix of different martial arts.

So we'll do jabs, hooks, upper cuts, and crosses. We'll do them in combinations.

It also incorporates Mui Thai knee kicks, elbows and other kicks.

So it's kind of like Tai Bo but UFC MMA style.


~ Kool Aid

jay said...

who da heck is kool aid?

Anonymous said...

oohh, hooray i usually have milkshakes when i work out! score! and i totally have boxes of lean cuisine at home in the freezer! sweet! and i eat mini babybels at work as a snack (with my yogurt). thanks for all the tips mary - the protein pudding sounds great.. im excited to try that!

i bet koolaid is eddie. the "OH YEAH" is signature eddie talk...

Anonymous said...


breakfast - 2 scrammbled eggs with 2 pieces of brown toast & oj
lunch - mango salad & water
snack - yogurt and a mini babybel & green tea
dinner - chicken alfredo & water
workout snack - milkshake


Anonymous said...

Get ready for tonights work out!
Step up your banana roll game!

Rob said...

wow 16 comments! how come you assholes never comment on my boring ass blog? lol.

great job with adding more protein in the diet. breakfast was a great indication of what your meals should be like. one thing to watch out for are carbs in juice. juice is great and all vitamins wise, but a glass usually contains upwards of 30g of carbs which are all sugar. throw that with your toast and that's 50-60g of carbs off the bat. what the hell is a babybel tho?

Anonymous said...

haha, babybel's are like cheese strings!

Rob said...

ah i c! i thought it was an indian food and mary tipped you off on it lol haha.

Anonymous said...

TODAYS MEALS: (felt a little under the weather this morning, thus the lack in appetite..)

breakfast - noodle soup with egg (mixed)
lunch - chicken wrap with onions, lettuce and hummus sauce on a pita
snack - babybel
dinner - strawberry/banana proten shake


Twist & Pivot - 25 reps each side
Twist & Pivot with hook & uppercut - 25 reps each side
Jabs - 20 reps with 10 doubles each side
Jab/Cross - 25 reps each side
Jab/Cross/Hook - 25 Reps each side
Jab/Cross/Hook/Uppercut - 25 reps each side
Step Drag/High-Low Punch - 20 reps with 10 doubles
Jab/Cross Switch - 20 reps
Hook/Uppercut switch - 20 reps
Mui Thai Knee Kicks - 20 with 10 doubles each side
Ball Kick - 30 reps each side
Side Kick - 30 reps each side
Back Kick - 25 reps each side
Three direction Kick - 72 reps
Side Lunge with high sword/low hammer - 15 reps each side
Step drag/claw/low punch - 15 reps with 10 doubles each side
High Block - 30 reps
Inward Block - 30 reps
Outward Block - 30 reps
Downward Block - 30 reps
Front Shuffle with high block/low punch - 15 reps
Knee/Back Kick - 15 reps each side
Front and back knucles/ball kick - 10 reps each side
Elbow series - 30 reps
Vertical Punches - 100 reps


Anonymous said...

Great Job! Shei! You and Eddie are doing really well and your routine looks awesome. It good you have eachother and are on the same routine. It makes it a lot easier to stay on track and be consistent with your work outs.

I totally agree with eating. I love to eat too, especially the bad stuff. Hello! We had a whole summer of dinner gatherings! lol! Hence our current situations. I'm glad you and Eddie are now in this blog with us. So that we even when I'm hanging out with you guys, hopefully we'll try and convince eachother to eat healthier when we do go out to eat. LOL!

PS. I'll do the pictures if you and Mary do them!

Anonymous said...

..yeah you're right! having a workout partner is so motivating! when i feel like im running out of steam, i look over and see him sweating like a beast and it pushes me to keep going. i know i could do these excerises alone, but the intensity wouldnt be where its at in comparison to working out with someone who pushes me beyond even what i think im capable of! :)

and as for the pics... uumm, maybe! lol - we'll see how far i've progressed by then! hahaha :)

Rob said...

lol no that's cheating! you cant choose to do it when you see where you are lol. commit now and MAKE SURE you are in that condition you want to be in. you can do it!

Anonymous said...

cheesestring tastes waaaaaaaaaaay better then babybels!

Anonymous said...

Good job last night!
I see you are starting to get the combo's down to a tee!

If you feel your combo's are off, just slow it down, get into rythm and then start to speed it up!

Get ready for Core & Stretch today!

Anonymous said...

"Do your best and forget the rest!"

Anonymous said...

mary - omg, im obsessed with babybels! mmmmm!

rob - FINE! i'll do it! aaahhh!

Anonymous said...

TODAYS MEAL: (still felt a little under the weather this morning..)

breakfast - clam chowder soup (with potatoes) and water
lunch - egg sandwich on brown toast and water
snack - banana and a babybel and water
dinner - protein bar (zone bars) and water
workout snack - strawberry/banana protein shake

TODAYS WORKOUT: core synergistics and stretch

Stacked foot/Staggered Hands pushup - 8 reps each side
Banana Roll- 5 seconds each position for 2 minutes
Leaning Crescent Lunges - 24 reps
Squat runs - 60 seconds
Sphinx Pushups - 6 reps
Bow to Boat - 1 minute
Plank run - 1 minute
Walking Pushups - 1 minute
Superman/Banana - 60 seconds
Low lateral skaters - 20 reps
Lunge and Reach - 120 secs
Lunge-Kickback-Curl and Press - 20 reps
Reach High and Under Pushups - 2 each side
Prison Cell Pushup - 4 reps
Squat X press - 30 reps
Steam Engine - 50 reps


Halfback (football tire drils) - 60 secs
Table dip/Leg raise - 20 reps

1 hour stretch routine!

Anonymous said...

what do babybel's taste like!!

Anonymous said...

like the mozzarella cheese strings.. only better :P hehe!

Rob said...

yay pics lol. good stuff with the training and getting more protein in your diet.

Anonymous said...

TODAY'S WORKOUT: none - went out for my co-workers birthday


breakfast - 2 scrambled-egg omelet with potatoes, onions and garlic with water
lunch - michelina's lifesyles chicken pasta with water
snack - zone protein bar (mmmm!)
(post 7pm = CHEAT MEAL #1)
dinner - sweet potato fries with cajun sauce and 4 cape codes and 4 shots (sicilian kiss, tequilla, crispy crunch and whisky sour)


Anonymous said...

I'm just watching you and your mom do yoga right now lol!

One suggestion is, get lower on the lunge position. I'm guilty of doggin' it the first time but i really felt it when i deepen the lunge.

Good job so far!

Get ready for am cardio Monday bright and early and then Chest, Shoulders and Triceps in the pm.

Going to be killlerrrrrrrrr!

Anonymous said...


breakfast: slept in and missed breakfast (SO BAD, I KNOW!!)
lunch: mushroom soup with pasta (aka, pasta soup) with water
snack: zone protein bar with water
dinner: hummus wrap with lettuce and onions on wheat with water
(post 8m - CHEAT MEAL #2)
snack - 4 pieces vegetable lumpia, mini potatoes, 8-9 glasses of wine, and a car bomb

YESTERDAYS WORKOUT: 1 1/2hr of yoga

Anonymous said...


breakfast - 2 egg whites, scrambled with mushrooms, babybel cheese, onions and garlic with iced tea
lunch - asparagus and string beans with shrimp and mushrooms with tropical juice
snack - mango cake
dinner - subway chicken and bacon ranch with chipotle with water
snack - zone protein bar

TODAY'S WORKOUT: rest day!

Anonymous said...


snack - protien shake
breakfast - groundbeef with mushrooms, onions and garlic
lunch - mixed vegetables with chicken
snack - protein bar
dinner - potatoes with corn beef and rice
workout - protien shake


-Sun Salutations(Vinyasas) - 2 reps
-Runner's Pose
-Warrior One
-Warrior Two
-Revers Warrior

-Ball Kick - 20 reps each side
-Hook/Uppercut/Side Kick - 15 reps each side
-Front & Back Knuckles/Ball Kick/Back Kick - 15 reps each side
-Jab/Cross/Hook/Uppercut - 25 Reps each side
-Three-direction kick - 18 reps each side
-Swing Kick 30 seconds
-Jump Shot - 30 seconds
-Tires - 30 secs
-Whacky Jacks - 30 seconds
Repeated previous Sequence

Squat X-Press - 30 reps
Steam Engines - 50 reps
Dreya Rolls - 60 secs
Squat Runs - 30 secs
Superman/Banana - 60 secs


-Slow motion 3-in-1 Push-ups - 12Reps
-In & Out Shoulder Flys - 16 reps - 5lbs
-Chair Dips - 18 reps
-Plange Push-ups - 8 reps
-Pike Presses - 8 reps
-Side Tri-rises - 16 reps - 8lbs
-Floor Flys - 3 reps
-Scarecrows - 16 reps - 8lbs
-Overhead Tricep Extensions - 18 reps - 8lbs
-Two-twitch Speed Push-ups - 8 reps
-Y-Presses - 16 reps - 8lbs
-Lying Tricep Extensions - 15 reps - 5lbs
-Side-to-side Push-ups - 10 reps
-Pour Flys - 16 reps - 8lbs
-Side-leaning Tricep Extensions - 16 reps - 8lbs
-One-arm Push-ups - 3 reps
-Weighted Circles - 10 reps backward, forward, and big circles (back/forward)
-Throw the Bomb - 16 reps - 8lbs
-Clap or Plyo Push-ups - 6
-Slo-mo Throws - 16 reps - 5lbs
Front-to-back Tricep Extensions - 16 reps - 8lbs
-One-arm Balance Push-ups - 8 reps
Fly row Presses - 12 reps
- Dumbell Cross-body Blows - 16 reps - 5lbs


In & Outs - 25 reps
Seated Bicycle - 50 reps (25 fws & 25 bckwrds)
Seated Crunchy Frogs - 25 reps
Crossed Leg/Wide Leg Sit-Up - 25 reps
Fifer Scissors - 25 reps
Hip Rock & Raise - 25 reps
Pulse-Up (Heels to the heaven) - 25 reps
Roll-Up V-Ups Combo - 15 reps
Oblique V-Ups - 25 reps
Russian Twists - 25 reps

jay said...

how the heck do you remember all those? you must write them down on your arm haha

Anonymous said...

hahaha, well since eddie and i workout together i just copy what he writes and just change the reps/weights if i have to! he has all the workouts on his phone! sooo savy! lol.

Anonymous said...



breakfast - clam chowder soup and water
lunch - zone protein bar and water
snack - activia yogurt and a babybel
dinner - strawberry/banada protein shake
post workout - half of a chicken cesar wrap (split with eddie) and water


Plyometrics (Everything for 30 seconds)

-Jump Squats
-Run Stance Squats
-Airborn Heisman
-Swing Kicks

-Squat Reach Jump
-Run Stance Squat switch pick up
- Double Airborne Heisman
-Circle Runs

-Jump Knee Tuck
-Mary Katherine Lunge
-Leap Frog Squat
-Twist Combo

-Rock star hop
-gap jump
-squat jack
-military march

-Run Squat 180 jump switch
-Lateral Leapfrog Squat
-Monster Truck Tire
-Hot Foot

jay said...

again. one word. tampon

jay said...

Anonymous said...


breakfast - 2 scrambled egg whites with potatoes, onions, mushroom and garlic with water
lunch - avacodo wrap with iced tea
snack - activia yogurt and a babybel
dinner - beefsteak with rice and potatoes
workout snack - starwberry/banana protein shake


Morning Cardio:

-Ball Kick - 20 reps each side
-Hook/Uppercut/Side Kick - 15 reps each side
-Front & Back Knuckles/Ball Kick/Back Kick - 15 reps each side
-Jab/Cross/Hook/Uppercut - 25 Reps each side
-Three-direction kick - 18 reps each side
-Swing Kick 30 seconds
-Jump Shot - 30 seconds
-Tires - 30 secs
-Whacky Jacks - 30 seconds

Squat X-Press - 30 reps
Steam Engines - 50 reps
Dreya Rolls - 60 secs
Squat Runs - 30 secs

Evening Workout:

Wide Front Pull-ups
Twenty ones
One-arm Cross-body Curls
Switch Grip Pull-ups
Elbows-out Lawnmowers
Standing Bicep Curls
One-arm Concentration Curls
Corn Cob Pull-ups
Reverse Grip Bent-over Rows
Open Arm Curls
Static Arm Curls
Towel Pull-ups
Congdon Locomotives
Crouching Cohen Curls
One Arm Corkscrew Curls
Seated Bent-over Back Flys
Curl-up/Hammer Downs
Hammer Curls
Max Rep Pull-ups
In-Out Hammer Curls
Strip Set Curls
Ab Ripper

(Bonus: Kenpo)

Anonymous said...

8 more weeks to go and then on to the lean program.

You're doing good!
Keep on bringing it!

Anonymous said...


breakfast - 2 scrambled egg whites with mushrooms, potatos, onions and garlic with brown toast and water
lunch - zone protein bar with water
snack - activia yogurt and a babybel with iced tea
dinner - spiced & diced steak with mushrooms, onions, garlic, peppers & potatoes


Balanced Lunges
Calf Raise Squats
Reverse Grip Chin-ups 1
Super Skaters
Wall Squat
Wide Front Pull-ups 1
Step Back Lunges
Alternating Side Lunges
Close Grip Overhead Pull-ups 1
Single Leg Wall Squat
Dead Lift Squats
Switch Grip Pull-ups 1
Three-way Lunge
Sneaky Lunge
Reverse Grip Chin-ups 2
Chair Salutations
Toe Row Iso Lunge
Wide Front Pull-ups 2
Groucho Walk
Calf Raises
Close Grip Overhead Pull-ups 2
80-20 Seibers Speed Squat
Switch Grip Pull-ups 2
Ab Ripper

Anonymous said...


breakfast - macaroni soup
lunch - zone protein bar
snack - activia yogurt and a babybel
dinner - avacado wrap (whole wheat)
workout snack - protein shake

TODAY'S WORKOUT: (a light day)

-30 minute cardio (Bike)
-Ab Ripper

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


so, this past weekend was full of cheat meals - let's recap:


breakfast - oatmeal and brown toast
snack - zone protein bar
late lunch/dinner - asian nashos (split with tina) and a steak frite cesar salad with a miami vice and water (pickel barrel)
late dinner - steak and mashed potatoes (boston pizza)

WORKOUT: rest day!


breakfast - egg white omelette with mushrooms, onions and cheese
lunch - perogies (split with eddie) and a chicken wrap
snack - a babybel
dinner - egg omelette with beef, mushrooms and onions (split with eddie) and 2 slices of pizza

WORKOUT: 75mins bootcamp!


breakfast - i missed it.. slept in until about 12pm! i was exhausted from the lack of sleep this weekend.
lunch - egg omelette with brown toast
snack - zone protein bar and toast with condensed milk
dinner - corn beef with rice

WORKOUT: rest day!

Anonymous said...


breakfast - oatmeal and brown toast
snack - zone protein bar
lunch - herb pasta
snack - activia yogurt
dinner - strawberry/banana protein shake
post workout snack - cheese string


Balanced Lunges
Calf Raise Squats
Reverse Grip Chin-ups 1
Super Skaters
Wall Squat
Wide Front Pull-ups 1
Step Back Lunges
Alternating Side Lunges
Close Grip Overhead Pull-ups 1
Single Leg Wall Squat
Dead Lift Squats
Switch Grip Pull-ups 1
Three-way Lunge
Sneaky Lunge
Reverse Grip Chin-ups 2
Chair Salutations
Toe Row Iso Lunge
Wide Front Pull-ups 2
Groucho Walk
Calf Raises
Close Grip Overhead Pull-ups 2
80-20 Seibers Speed Squat
Switch Grip Pull-ups 2

Bike - 15 minute intervals (level 3)

Ab Ripper

Anonymous said...

PS - my right leg has been bothering me for the past week (feels quite stiff compared to my left leg). does anyone have any good stretches or tips on how i can counter the stiffness? :(

JohnEo said...

try icing it then heating it up works when i sprain stuff

Anonymous said...

How is your leg Shei? Good job with being consistent with your workouts and diet! Your results will come and you'll look amazing for your bday.

Anonymous said...



once your knee gets better, we'll train with Rampage Jackson and fight in the octagon!

Anonymous said...


breakfast - oatmeal and brown toast
lunch - avocado wrap
snack - activia yogurt
dinner - grilled chicken and rice
snack - strawbery/banana protein shake

TODAYS WORKOUT: uugghhh, i hate my knee!

with that said, i have no choice but to alter my workout regime for the next few days (perhaps even week).. no more intense leg workouts - just recovery exercises (ie. elipitical, upperbody machines). im really disappointed, but i dont want to aggravate my leg anymore.

thanks for the tips guys! i tried my mom's rub A535(?) and it soothed my leg a bit. i'll get the ice/hot packs this weekend.

Anonymous said...


breakfast - bagel and cream cheese
lunch - strawberry protein shake
snack - activia yogurt
dinner - salad and steak (split with eddie)
snack - strawberry/banana protein shake

TODAYS WORKOUT: kenpo (light)

Anonymous said...


breakfast - strawberry protein shake
lunch - shanghai noodles
snack - activia yogurt and a zone protein bar
dinner - turkey wrap

*no workout, was at the HILLS AFTERSHOW!*

Anonymous said...


breakfast - strawberry protein shake
lunch - tuna sandwich
snack - zone protein bar
dinner - lean ground beef with onions, mushrooms and potatoes with rice
snack - strawberry/banana protein shake

TODAYS WORKOUT: plyometrics (50 mins)

Anonymous said...


breakfast - strawberry protein shake
lunch - tuna sandwich
snack - zone protein bar
dinner - grilled chicken and mushroom sandwich
snack - cheese string and a strawberry/banana protein shake

TODAYS WORKOUT: back, biceps (used 8lb weights, 20 reps per exercise) and ab ripper (25 reps per exercise with 11 exercises).

Anonymous said...

Thank you I'm feeling a lot better!
Question, for your strawberry banana protein shake, is that the flavour? If it is what brand is it? I'm looking for a tastier protein.

Anonymous said...

mary - the flavour of our protein is vanilla. eddie just adds frozen strawberries, fresh bananas with frozen yogurt. it's so good. my own protein, which i make in the morning, is a french vanilla flavour and i just add frozen strawberries with milk! so filling!

Anonymous said...


breakfast - 2 strips of turkey bacon with scrambled eggs
lunch - avocado wrap
snack - zone protein bar
late snack - cheese string
dinner - stuffed mushrooms with ground beef with rice
snack - protein shake

TODAY'S WORKOUT: back (pull-ups), legs (25 squats/leg) and ab ripper - same as eddie's workout.

Anonymous said...


breakfast - 2 strips of turkey bacon and scrammbled eggs
lunch - avocado wrap
snack - chocolate yogurt
dinner - steak sandwich and lemon salmon (split with eddie)

TODAY'S WORKOUT: rest day!

Anonymous said...


breakfast - quaker oatmeal
lunch - 1 slice of pizza (cheat meal #1)
snack - cheese string
dinner - chicken with noodle, macaroni salad and asparagus
snack - 1 slice of mocha cake (cheat snack)

TODAY'S WORKOUT: rest day!

Anonymous said...


breakfast - mango protein shake
lunch - egg sandwich
snack - activia yogurt and a babybel
dinner - 2 pieces of eddie's grilled pork!
snack - cheese string

TODAY'S WORKOUT: core synergistics

Anonymous said...


breakfast - oatmeal
lunch - zone protein bar
snack - cheese string and pineapple pudding
dinner - lean ground pork with onions, mushrooms, garlic and brown rice
snack - mango protein shake


Anonymous said...


breakfast - oatmeal
lunch - lean ground pork with mushrooms, onions and garlic
snack - zone protein bar and a babybel
dinner - avocado wrap and activia yogurt
snack - strawberry/banana/orange protein shake

TODAY'S WORKOUT: 1hr plyometrics

Anonymous said...

**UPDATE: so eddie and i weighed ourselves recently and i went from 132 lbs to 125 lbs - which is a loss of 7 lbs. i wish it could be more, but i have all summer to drop the LAST 5-10lbs!**

jay said...

wooo!! thats great news!!
keep it up!! no.. ramp it up!!! go extreme and you'll be crazy rippppppeed

Anonymous said...


breakfast - chicken noodle soup
lunch - activia yogurt and a babybel
snack - banana
dinner - bbq ribs
snack - strawberry/banana/orange protein shake

TODAY'S WORKOUT: 30 min elliptical & ab ripper

Anonymous said...

Congrats on losing 7lbs!!

Anonymous said...

like i said, i wish it were more.. but 7 lbs is good FOR NOW! looking to drop the final lbs soon!!! this blog really helped me out.. cause it keeps me on a great diet - i dont wanna be posting cheat meals galore on here! haha.

Rob said...

hahah congratz sheila on the 7 lbs! woohooo!

Anonymous said...


breakfast - oatmeal
lunch - pasta
snack - cheese strings
dinner - grilled chicken breast with pineapple

YESTERDAY'S WORKOUT: cardio (bike for 35 mins = 10K) and ab ripper

Anonymous said...


breakfast - eggs whites with mushrooms, onions and garlic with brown rice
lunch - mango protein shake
snack - zone protein bar
dinner - 2 pieces of grilled lean ground beef burgers with rice

TODAY'S WORKOUT: cardio (treadmill 45 mins) and ab ripper

Anonymous said...


breakfast - egg whites with mushrooms, onions and garlic with brown rice
lunch - zone protein bar
snack - organic yogurt
dinner - grilled chicken wrap with tea

TODAY'S WORKOUT: 1 hour of plyometrics & 15 min of leg stretches

Anonymous said...


breakfast - kellogs special k
lunch - dynamite maki
snack - zone protein bar
dinner - portobello mushroom sandwich with grilled chicken
snack - cheese string

TODAY'S WORKOUY: rest day!

Anonymous said...


breakfast - scrambled eggs with lean ground beef, potatoes and onions
lunch - avocado wrap
snack - activia yogurt and a cheese string
dinner - popcorn chicken (cheat meal)

TODAY'S WORKOUT: chest, back & ab ripper

Anonymous said...


breakfast - kelloggs special k cereal
lunch - grilled chicken alfredo
snack - cheese string
dinner - grilled pork and potatoes