Sunday, December 16, 2007

ROB'S diet and workout log

This is my journal regarding my daily diet regimen as well as my training routine.


Rob said...

Pretty much im gonna make it my goal to post everyday if i can. it's annoying i know, but i find myself going back and reading my old boards from previous competitions and it has for sure helped me realize what i need to eat and do to continually get results.

Rob's Goals

1) by May 7, to be in my best shape to date, with hopefully some ab definition and overall lower bodyfat.

2) by May 7, to weigh in at 210lbs MAXIMUM, but preferably 200lbs.

3) to run the Toronto Marathon in under 2 hours next September.

In order to achieve these things, I will....

4) eat 6 times a day, getting in sufficient amonts of protein.

5) keep cheating to an absolute minumum, and only on occasions.

6) keep up with my cardio AND ab routines twice a week, and do 2 a day workouts at least 3 times a week.

7) stay motivated by attempting to help you guys in any way that i can and thus, motivating you guys to be your best!

My diet and exercise plan will be changing every month or so, so i wont be posting an outline until i change it.

That's it for now, hope to see you all on here!

Rob said...

Oh ya, i forgot that by March 1, 2008 i WILL look better then i did in that picture that i posted, taken on May 18, 2007. count on it!

Rob said...

Today and tomorrow im gonna post mainly about my workouts which im happy to say that i've been consistent with even with crazy 4am study sessions and cramming. diet has been alrite, with more carbs then planned, but needed to stay up. meals have cut down to 4 a day, and if lucky 5, but they havent been cheats!

Thursday, Dec. 13/07

Did a circuit with luis which consisted of jogging, abs, skipping and steps done in 1 minute intervals for 30 minutes. i enjoyed doing this type of circuit as a change from our minute cardio, minute abs routine. i felt like i worked harder on cardio which is great, but i didnt work my abs as hard. i think that i would like to set my goals to doing one circuit in each fashion per week so that i get both the circuit that works cardio more, and the circuit that allows more ab stimulation. we'll see how htat goes.

afterwards, i did forearms with con and jay which was fun. i realy think i need to add some meat to my arms as i think i have spaghetti arms as well since they are long. guess it runs in teh family lol hahah. anyways, till tomorrow and my shoulder workout...

Rob said...

Friday, Dec. 14/07

Diet today was ok until i finished exams and i just wanted to celebrate with the celebratory binge eat lol. i also ate poorly to get it in while i could b/c from now on, its hardcore again! looking at these fat pics and especially this good pic of me has made me wanna do so much better now, and i am really determined to get to that shape by march 1. after our workout, bas and i sat in teh valleys for almost 2 hours just talking (we were that tired from our workout... lol jk. from studying for exams) about not wearing specific clothing anymore right now b/c of the way they would fit or not fit. i dont want that anymore. today i will be planning out all of my cheat meals until march 1, and finding my goal clothes again. im gonna plan my goals and print out my pics and post them up at my house. im gonna do this!!!

for the workout, i did shoulders which was really good, but then for some reason i started to do some chest exercises and the contractions i was getting were amazing! i also did traps and found a new exercise for killing the traps so im pretty psyced!

2 a days start tomorrow, as does healthy eating. generally, id say that with a hint of sarcasm like "great" or "woohoo" *rolling eyes*, but im way too pumped to do this now!

Rob said...

OFFICIAL DAY 1 - Sunday, Dec. 16, 2007

here we go again guys! i weighed in today and i was 240lbs which was about what i started in my last program where it took me 2 months to look like i did in that picture on may 17 (i was 236lbs). overall i have about the same or maybe a bit less body fat but i am noticeably bigger so i dont mind starting at this weight. this is about hte timeline that i wish to follow.

January 15: 230 lbs
February 15: 220 lbs
March 1: 215 lbs (which is where i am at in that picture.

overall i think i can hit it and i think i'll look better since i have a bit more size as well.

for this first month i will be following more of a 40-40-20, protein to carb to fat ratio.

the second month and a half will change to a 50-20-30 protein to carb to fat ratio, with low carb weeks, and high carb weekends.

this is pretty much what i followed last time and it worked out well. this time it is gonna be harder since im living at home and i am not in total control of the food that we have here, like i was in my condo. but, im sure i'll be able to do it. the second issue is the fact that xmas holidays are upon us and that means eating. i will also go over the cheat meals that i will be having for the next while.

Thurs, Dec. 20: 1 cheat meal
Fri, Dec. 21: 1 cheat meal

Tues, Dec. 24: 1 cheat meal

Mon, Dec. 31: 1 cheat meal

January will only have 1 cheat meal that month on my bro and Luis' bday.

February will have a couple of cheat meals during the blue mountain weekend, and that will be it.

I will be following my 4 week dynamic superset routine for at least the next 4 weeks as well as keeping with my 2 a day cardio sessions.

now for day 1....

diet was good overall. as my bro pointed out, it is very hard to keep on diet on the weekends when home b/c of food my parents cook and so on.

Meal 1 - chicken breast, 1/2 cup veggies, 1 slice toast

Meal 2 - noodles with 8 oz beef

Meal 3 - chicken breast, meat pie

Meal 4 - protein shake

Meal 5 - chicken breast, meat pie

Meal 6 - protein shake, 1 tbsp PB

i woke up and did 1 hour cardio on the bike. i was planning on doing legs, but i ended up shovelling for about 2 hours as well as pushing 5 cars in the knee deep snow. by the end of it my back was shot! i ended up taking it a bit easy and doing another 45 minutes of cardio instead of weights. that means that either tomorrow or tuesday i will be doubling up workouts, with either legs and chest tomorrow, one in the morning and one at night, or tuesday, with legs in the morning and circuits at night. either way, i'll be wiped lol hahah.

GOOD: overall my workouts were good. cardio is my main thing i need to keep up with, and i think having my gym set up at home gives me no excuses. i also think my focus right now is amazing! i know what i want, and how to achieve it. now i just gotta do it.

WHAT TO WORK ON: since i was so busy today, i didnt get to prepare all of my food and portions the way that id like to have. so tomorrow im gonna wake up and get back on that ground beef and veggies kick. i had to settle for meat pies which are not that good, but i promise it'll be better tomorrow.

that's all for now, sorry for the novel. hope all is well with everyone!

Anonymous said...

meat pie haha
i'm 5

jay said...

meat pie haha
i'm 5

Rob said...


Anonymous said...

Ok is Meat Pie like hot beef?

Rob said...

DAY 2 - Monday, Dec. 17, 2007

Today i woke up and did 1 hour of cardio on the bike. I did chest and tri's today with bas and i was for once able to really push it during my workout. it was significantly more intense for me then without a spotter. it also made me alot more motivated to know that if bas sticks with this, he will get great results too!

Meal 1 - 2 whole eggs, 4 egg whites, 3 slices low fat ham, 3/4 WW bagel, 2 tsp PB

Meal 2 - Chicken breast sandwich on WW, with cheddar, L, T, and bacon.

Meal 3 - 8 oz extra lean ground beef, 150g potato.

Meal 4 - protein shake

Meal 5 (post-workout)- chicken breast (no skin), baked potato, cranberry sauce, roll.

Meal 6 - 10 oz extra lean ground beef, 1/2 cup veggies

Meal 7 - protein shake, 1 tbsp PB

im finding that im super motivated for this now! seeing jay's pics and hearing that others are looking for pics to put up to keep them motivated is wicked! also seeing the use of the boards and logs is keeping me pumped about doing this. i know that if i stay strict over the next 2.5 months that i can get to my goal of 215 lbs.

most of all, i think planning out my cheat meals and knowing that i only have those limited meals to eat poorly really puts me in teh mindset that i need to do this, and i need to do this the right way. cant wait to read your posts tomorrow guys! good nite!

oh ya, hot beef injection is a great source of protein! lol

TenInchMan said...

Rob said...

January 15: 230 lbs
February 15: 220 lbs
March 1: 215 lbs (which is where i am at in that picture.)

My goals;

Current: 225 lbs
January 15: 220 lbs
February 15: 217 lbs
March 1: 216 lbs (just o be huger than Rob)

BTW - all of this is in jest.

jay said...

My (Jason's) goals;

Current: 165 lbs
January 15: 180 lbs
February 15: 200 lbs
March 1: 218 lbs (just o be huger than Rob)

BTW - all of this is in jest. not. okay yes it is. that'd be superheavy weight yo!! i'd be like batista sized

Rob said...

DAY - Tuesday, Dec. 18, 2007

Woke up and did 45 minutes of cardio on the bike as usual. B/C i didnt do weights on sunday, i squeezed in legs before circuit.... BIG MISTAKE lol. my leg workout was very very intense and i have di di (diarrhea) face the whole time! my overall strength and endurance in my legs were noticeably weaker, but as long as i get the crazy pumps in my legs, im all good. circuit today was very very intense for me. maybe its b/c it was after my leg workout, but i was sweating and shiny like hulk hogan lol. i liked it alot tho and would like to keep that up as a circuit. it doesnt give us as much in terms of ab work so id like to do some extra. maybe before hand, and replace abs in the circuit with running maybe.

Meal 1 - 8 oz ELGB (extra lean ground beef), 5 oz potato

Meal 2 - 8 oz ELGB (extra lean ground beef), 5 oz potato

Meal 3 - 8 oz ELGB (extra lean ground beef), 5 oz potato

Meal 4 - 8 oz ELGB (extra lean ground beef), 5 oz potato

Meal 5 (post-workout)- 8 oz ELGB (extra lean ground beef), 1 cup veggies, 1 cup pasta

Meal 6 - protein shake, 1 tbsp PB

overall im feeling great about this program im on. i am getting noticeably bigger (muscle wise) but definition in my arms, shoulders and chest are really coming up. my stomach is lagging a bit, but i know that it'll catch up, and especially during my carb loading phase starting in january, things will really get working!

i cant believe how focused and motivated i am right now! good stuff! awesome job today guys!

Anonymous said...

Man you're a lean cow's worst nightmare.

Rob said...

hahah ya, it's pretty bad. im the beefanator! delivering the... hot... beef... injection! lol

Rob said...

DAY 4- Wednesday, Dec. 19, 2007

Today i woke up and did 35 minutes of cardio. i didnt do as much for 2 reasons. 1) started work earlier and had to cook food for the next 2 days. 2) my legs couldnt move lol hahah.

i did back and bi's with bas (haha alliteration lol) and i must say that working out with a workout partner, and especially one willing to give it their all like bas, is quite motivating. the workout was amazing and the pumps in my bi's afterwards were amazing! bas told me that he is gonna try and push for really good results, so im waiting for him to officially list his goals for the march 1 goal date, which is also the date when tina is gonna post her fat pics *ahem ahem* lol.

Meal 1 - 8 oz ELGB. 1 slice of WW toast, 2 oz potato.

Meal 2 - 8 oz ELGB. 5 oz potato.

Meal 3 - 8 oz ELGB. 5 oz potato.

Meal 4 - 8 oz ELGB. 5 oz potato.

Meal 5 - 8 oz ELGB. 5 oz potato.

Meal 6 - chicken and veggie stir fry. no carbs.

Meal 7 - protein shake, 1 tbsp PB.

ok tomorrow is my first cheat meal b/c of our guy xmas party but im pretty much so focused on doing well that i doubt im gonna go all out. we will have to wait and see! see you all tomorrow guys!

jay said...

dude. ELGB.. you probably just shit GB now haha
eat chicken or something

Anonymous said...

Once in awhile, it's ok to take a break Rob. You've been working out hardcore (ooh i love that word), but anyway, treat yourself tonight! :)

TenInchMan said...

I like hardcore as well... although we mean it in different ways Mara...

Rob said...

yes, i poo cow very often lol. cow and tuber is my favourite flavour of poo poo.

thanx mara for the motivation! i will take it easy tonite and enjoy, but i till march 1 to get to my goal. one of my pet peeves is not achieving my goals when they are in my power, and this is, so HARDCORE till then! lol

and yes kuya, that one is good too lol.

*in best mara voice* "bas what type of hardcore does emil mean? would i like it? and what is powder poot?"


jay said...

hahaha lol
hardcore. omg..

make love yo, not hate. haha

Rob said...

DAY 5 - Thursday, Dec. 20, 2007

Meal 1 - 8 oz ELGB. 5 oz potato.

Meal 2 - 8 oz ELGB. 5 oz potato.

Meal 3 - protein shake

Meal 4 - protein shake

Meal 5 - 3 lbs wings, fries

Since we were gonna miss circuits today b/c of our guy xmas party, i did 1 hour and 15 minutes of cardio first thing in the morning.

i didnt overdo it with the cheating at original's which i am quite proud of. i think that after this week and next monday, i will be totally fine with staying on diet.

Rob said...

DAY 6 - Friday, Dec. 21, 2007

so today was a very long and very tiring day. woke up at 5:30am to go snowboarding. we boarded for about 2 hours before spending 3 or 4 hours in the hospital lol. when we got back i went to the gym with jay and bas. i had my second planned cheat. i definately needed those calories as i think my activity has been crazy as of late.

Meal 1 - 8 oz ELGB, 1.5 cups of pasta.

Meal 2 - protein shake.

Meal 3 (after boarding)- 1 bagel w/cheese, grilled chicken sandwich w/ bacon, L + T, cheese.

Meal 4 - hummus and crackers

Meal 5 - chicken breast, rice, WW bun, cranberry sauce and stuffing at Swiss Chalet

Meal 6 (post workout) - 1.5 cups pasta with ELGB, 1 bun.

Meal 7 - pizza and wings. cheat with mary, mara, and baz

Rob said...

DAY 7 - Saturday, Dec. 22, 2007

Today was a rest day as i have been going at it pretty hard over this first week of training with bas.

I must say however that my diet was pretty FUCKED today! dieting at home is really hard for the main reason that i dont like having my mom cook alot of food and having to throw it away afterwards. i also get the guilt trip for not eating it. so today was pretty bad. i will not post exactly what it consisted of, but lets just say that it wasnt good in terms of overall food choices. portion sizes were really good today despite the food choices, which i am proud of, but i need to find ways to make sure i can stay on track for the weekends.

with 3 weeks remaining of this first training cycle and until my first goal of 230 lbs by january 15, i think im doing really well. i told some friends that my snowboarding jacket was loose after one week of training solidly, and i could fit b/w my bindings when i hold it against my body lol haha. just from the way i look and the way clothes are fitting on me, i would guess that i am down to around 236 lbs, meaning i have 6 lbs to go in 3 weeks. i totally think that this is attainable, and i cant wait till tomorrow to get the second week of training going!

hope week 1 was great for everyone else! see you later!

Rob said...

DAY 8 - Sunday, Dec. 23, 2007

The day of SICKNESS!!!

i woke up today and felt like shit. i was imbalanced b/c of a crazy ass migraine and sorta felt like puking tooo.

i woke up and did only 30 minutes of cardio in the morning. later on at night, i decided not to push it too much and do weights, but instead did another 50 minutes of cardio. since we wont be doing circuits on tuesday, i'll fill in the missed weight day then.

Meal 1 - ham sandwich. WW, L, fat free cheese. protein shake

Meal 2 - roast beef sandwich. WW, L, fat free cheese.

Meal 3 - protein shake, 2 WW toast, PB.

Meal 4 - protein shake

Meal 5 (post cardio) - noodles, 1/2 cup white rice, beef.

Meal 6 - protein shake

overall i would say this weekend was pretty ass, and im sure that this week wont make it any better. hopefully, i can keep the activity up to help burn off the excess calories, and keep my diet in check for the meals that arent the large, main celebration meals lol.

neways, merry xmas all and enjoy the time off!!!!

Rob said...

DAY 9 - Monday, Dec. 24, 2007

frig, time to catch up.

today i did chest and triceps at the valleys before i started work. i said id have only 1 cheat meal today and i pretty much was able to stick to that.

Meal 1 - protein shake

Meal 2 - 8 oz ELGB. 5 oz potato.

Meal 3 - protein shake

Meal 4 - protein bar

Meal 5 - xmas dinner of goodness lol.

Rob said...

DAY 10 - Tuesday, Dec. 25, 2007

today was not a good day. i said that i would not cheat today and it was overall not good lol. i usually get itis 3 times on xmas day and i didnt get it once, but overall diet choices were horrible.

i did cardio for 1 hour though xmas morning, which was good. i found that through this holiday week ive been able to get my physical activity in regularly.

diet sucked so i wont list lol.

Rob said...

DAY 11 - Wednesday, Dec. 26, 2007

today was quite a good day for diet and exercise. jen came over in teh morning and we got in 1 hour of cardio. i did a leg workout before everyone came over which was wicked. ive been concentrating on contractions and mind-muscle connections alot more now, in comparison to weight. i find that its doing wonders for me.

meal 1 - shake

meal 2 - 8 oz turkey, 3/4 cup rice, 2 tbsp cranberry sauce

meal 3 - 8 oz turkey, 3/4 cup rice, 2 tbsp cranberry sauce

meal 4 - 8 oz turkey, 3/4 cup rice, 2 tbsp cranberry sauce

meal 5 - 8 oz turkey, 1/2 sweet potato, 2 tbsp cranberry sauce

meal 6 - a bit of ELGB lasagna.

overall im very proud of how i was able to keep on diet with all the temptations around from the potluck.

Rob said...

DAY 12 - Thursday, Dec. 27, 2007

woke up today and went to the valleys to do cardio and abs with jen as she starts her 2 a days. we did a skipping abs circuit for 30 minutes which was really good and i liked doing seperate work for abs then in our usual circuit. at night we did the big circuit with the group with all 4 stations being cardio based. steps, jump steps, skipping and running. i was totally gased and i think i have been going too hard and need a rest lol.

meal 1 - protein shake

meal 2 - protein bar

meal 3 - protein shake (it was really busy at work today as you can tell by my diet lol)

meal 4 - chicken pita on WW with extra meat, hummus, L, T.

meal 5 - 7 oz turkey, 1/2 cup stuffing, 1 tbsp cranberry sauce. carrots.

meal 6 - chicken pita on WW with extra meat, hummus, L, T.

meal 7 (post workout)- ELGB lasagna.

Rob said...

DAY 13 - Friday, Dec. 28, 2007

woke up and did cardio with jen at the valleys again. b/c ive been really run down lately, we did only 30 minutes on the bike. i really was rdy to call jen and tell her that i wasnt gonna go today, but then i lay in bed for 10 minutes convincing myself that i cant slack and that im letting my weakness get the best of me. so i rolled out of bed and left lol. after work i did a back/shoulder workout with bas. i really enjoy bas as a workout partner as he is very vocal and motivating during your sets. also, i see him working hard and it pushes me to work harder as well. my workout today was wicked! i think it'll be smooth sailing from here till january 30, my next cheat meal.

meal 1 - protein shake

meal 2 - grilled chicken club on WW. chicken, bacon, L, T, cheddar, honey mustard.

meal 3 - protein shake

meal 4 - 8 oz steak, 2 egg whites, 4 oz potato, 1/2 piece of WW toast.

meal 5 (post workout) - 8 oz of shrimp, 1 cup of white rice, 1 banana.

meal 6 - 8 oz of shrimp, 1/2 cup of white rice.

meal 7 - protein shake, 2 oz of cheddar cheese.

and caught up. i hope to see u all back on the boards and into the gym soon! good job all!

Rob said...

DAY 13 - Friday, Dec. 28, 2007

did a bit of cardio when i woke up. nothing extensive, about 15 minutes. we went snowboarding and its always quite taxing.

meal 1 - turkey, rice, cranberry sauce

meal 2 - protein shake

meal 3 - rice, tofu, beef, veggies

meal 4 - peanuts, beef jerky

meal 5 - ham, lettuce, cheddar sandwich on WW. 1/2 a tuna wrap

meal 6 - stuffed chicken breast with rice and veggies

Rob said...

the above was actually from Saturday, December 29.

DAY 15 - Sunday, Dec. 30, 2007

i was wiped today from snowboarding, the weeks 2 a day workouts and the drives to and from blue so i decided to take a much needed day off. tomorrow i'll be back in the gym hitting up the 2 a days. hope everyone is doing well! lets get those posts back up!!!

jay said...

hey stop slacking with the posts.

Rob said...

DAY 23 - Monday, Jan. 7, 2008

WAAHOOOO BACK TO SKOOL! the break was not as bad as it could have been. im sure i kept up with the weight loss b/c my training was stil there and my diet wasnt horrible, but i was not as on as id like to have been. this is for a number of reasons like laziness, a messed up schedule and being home. either way, it was no excuse and i could have stayed on point. but now with skool back and my schedule back to being rigid and set, I AM BACK BABY!!!!

did 25 minutes of skipping/abs with jen in the morning when i woke up, followed by 10 minutes on the prostate bike. at night i did a chest/tricep extended set workout with bas and it was friggin great! im glad to be back!

meal 1 (pre cardio) - protein shake

meal 2 (post cardio) - 6 inch roasted chicken sub, double meat. WW, L, T, Onion, pineapple, a bit of light ranch dressing.

meal 3 - 6 inch roasted chicken sub, double meat. WW, L, T, Onion, pineapple, a bit of light ranch dressing.

meal 4 - quizno's wraps with L, T, chicken, cheese

meal 5 - 1/4 chicken breast w/ baked potato and roll.

meal 6 - protein shake, 1 tbsp PB

my meals were alright but tomorrow im gonna take the time to make my meals for the next couple of days. its been really hard with so much leftovers at my house. i dont wanna leave all that food and make more, but this is my goal and i succeed based on my actions... BRING IT ON!!!

Rob said...

DAY 24 - Tuesday, Jan. 8, 2008

Ok so no lie... today's circuit was friggin killer!! i dont know if it was because i did an hour of cardio this morning or what, but i was dying lol. i was shiny like hulk hogan and when i ran, my arms flailed like a tree in the wind lol hahahah. it was a deep burn!!!!! lol. i cant wait to do it next week lol haha.

Meal 1 - lean burger, 2 slices WHITE bread (after cardio), L, cheddar cheese.

Meal 2 - 8 oz ELGB (shut up jay lol), 1/2 cup brown rice

Meal 3 - protein shake

Meal 4 - 8 oz ELGB protein shake

Meal 5 (post workout) - chicken club sandwich on WW, L, T, cheddar, bacon, chicken. everything bagel w/ cheddar.

Meal 6 - protein shake, 1 tbsp PB (shut up jay) lol

ok i know my meals are always the same but today it was different lol. you wait, starting on the 16th, low carb is back!!!

exactly 1 week til my scheduled weigh-in!!!

*crosses fingers for 230 lbs*

jay said...

yah shinny all over.. like HHH photo session haha

good job! keep the arms down hahah

Anonymous said...

i would have been posting earlier but I clearly haven't been reading the group site thoroughly. I'll be posting everyday now for sure!

Rob said...

DAY 25 - Wednesday, Jan. 9, 2008

so today i did a leg workout with bas and it kicked ass! my legs have lost a bit since my time off after the run, and its time to bring the quads back!!! after legs, we did an ab routine with weighted crunches, weighted ab pulls, negative side crunches, wood choppers and bridges. it was really good! i enjoy doing abs seperate from circuits b/c circuits are my cardio days, and i dont wanna slow down the intensity with abs. abs should be trained like any other muscle group!

meal 1 - 1/4 chicken, white meat, WW bun.

meal 2 - 8 oz steak, 1 cup rice

meal 3 - lean burger, 1/2 cup rice

meal 4 - lean burger, 1/2 cup rice

meal 5 - 2 eggs, ham, onion rice

meal 6 - protein shake, 1 tbsp PB

im tired so that will be all for my post today!

see everyone tomorrow!

Rob said...

DAY 26 - Thursday, Jan. 10, 2008

i did cardio in the morning and played 2.5 hours of vball at nite.

i lost my paper with my diet for the next few days but majority of it was realy good.

Rob said...

DAY 27 - Friday, Jan. 11, 2008

did a back workout with bas which was amazing and did traps and delts with bas and jay. awesome job guys! it was hard, but you guys pushed it!

diet as mentioned in the previous post. all was good until we ate chinese food at night. booo!

Rob said...

DAY 28 - Saturday, Jan. 12, 2008

woke up late b/c we got home passed 5 am so only got a few meals in. horrible diet today seperate from my breakfast. we played vball for mara's bday. cant wait to get back on it. ive said that too many times already lol. shit lol

Rob said...

DAY 29 - Sunday, Jan. 13, 2008

alrite, up to date. woke up and did 30 minutes of cardio today. other then that, i relaxed and prepared to start my 4 week routine over again. tuesday is still weigh in so the next couple of days have to be really strict!

meal 1 - chicken burger, 2 WW toast, fat free cheese, ketchup, L.

meal 2 - 5 eggs, 1 WW toast, PB, fat free cheese.

meal 3 - chicken burger, 1 slice WW toast, PB.

meal 4 - protein shake.

meal 5 - protein shake.

jay said...

lol at least the steamed rice didnt have many calories. too bad it too forever to come to the table
wicked shoulder routine! MORE VB!!

Rob said...

hey jay, more vball will come and if u ever need any extra intensity, just look for me and bas lol. hahah.

DAY 30 - Monday, Jan. 14, 2008

this morning i did 1 hour of cardio since i havent been totally consistent with my 2 a days, and since i will be weighing in on tuesday morning. was ur basic moderate intensity cardio on the bike. at night i did a quad routine while waiting for bas. i want to get the definition that i had before back in my legs and today's workout will for sure help that come quicker. after, i did a chest/tricep workout with bas. let me tell u that it was great! like jay pointed out in his log, the pump was crazy and when i was doing my close grip push ups, i could see crazy definition in my shoulders, triceps and upper chest! great stuff!

meal 1 - 2 slice WW bread, chicken burger, FF cheese, ketchup, L.

meal 2 - 8 oz ELGB, 2 oz sweet potato.

meal 3 - protein shake, 1 tbsp PB

meal 4 - 11 oz steak, veggies, baked potato

meal 5 - 8 oz ELGB, 2 oz sweet potato.

meal 6 - protein shake, 1 tbsp PB.

i must say that im worried about whether i will be at my goal of 230lb tomorrow morning. my diet hasnt been 100% clean during the holidays, and neither has my training. i've kept consistent but not as much as i would have liked to. besides that, i have more muscle mass, so im scared that will make a large difference in my weight. i weighed at 255 lbs at the beginning of november, and when we started this board, i believe i was around 240 lbs. hopefully in that 1.5 months i was able to lose 10 lbs. i just dont want to be behind in my goal to hit 215 lbs by march 1st.

nothing i can do now.

*fingers crossed!*

Rob said...

as of Tuesday, january 15th, i weigh in at 231 lbs! good considering i put on some mass as well so i dont mind that im 1 lb over my goal weight at this point. im sure if i was 100% strict i could have been there, but all i can do is turn it up for the next check point which is feb 15, when i plan on being 220 lbs.

Anonymous said...

yay! 231!! i'm proud of u!

jay said...

awsome job!!
i will let that 1 lb slide.
keep it up!!

Rob said...

thanx guys! i dont think i will be focusing too much on putting size on until march 1, so i think i will be able to cut down fat pretty quickly.

Rob said...

DAY 31 - Tuesday, Jan. 15, 2008

woohoo to 231 lbs! this next phase will not lean towards muscle mass gain at all, so im gonna really push hard to lose the fat. i will be doing low carb weeks with 2 high carb days to be determined.

today i did 1 hour of cardio on teh bike when i got up, then of course, the killer circuit routine at night. very intense and hopefully after getting used to the low carbs again, i will be able to be a bit more intense lol. also did abs before hand. 3 x superset of weighted crunches, weighted isometric crunch holds, knee-ins, wood choppers, 3 second negative oblique crunches, and planks. good stuff!

meal 1 (post cardio) - 2 slices WW toast, lean chicken burger, FF cheese, ketchup, L

meal 2 - 8 oz ELGB, 1 oz sweet potato

meal 3 - 8 oz ELGB, 1 oz sweet potato

meal 4 - protein shake, half protein bar

meal 5 (post workout) - bagel w/ cheese, turkey club sandwich on WW, cheddar, L, T.

meal 6 - 8 oz ELGB, 1 oz sweet potato

k time to sleep! see u all tomorrow!

Rob said...

DAY 32 - Wednesday, Jan. 16, 2008

Today was a high carb day for me. i will be having 2 high carb days a week, with one being on vball days, and one on the weekends. i didnt workout seperate from vball today but will get on it tomorrow. this week has been a bit staggered but it'll all work out.

meal 1 - chicken burger, 2 slices WW bread, ketchup, L, FF cheese

meal 2 - 8 oz ELGB, 1 oz sweet potato

meal 3 - protein bar

meal 4 - chicken pita. WW pita, hummus, L, T, onions, extra chicken.

meal 5 - half protein bar

meal 6 - bagel toasted w/ cheddar, turkey club sandwich. WW, L, T, Cheddar.

meal 7 - noodles. i will have a great workout tomorrow b/c of my noodles! woohoo!! lol

ok that's it for today. nothing really special except that vball was very good today. and done till tomorrow!

Anonymous said...

how do u get so many meals into the day? I think i wake up too late for the 6th meal, what do u think? or is 5 ok for me?

Like yesterday, i basically worked out twice.. weights at 7:30, cardio at 10:30 and i still had 5 meals!

Rob said...

i wake up at noon some days and get 6 in lol hahaha. im just that good! lol

Rob said...

ok so for the weekend of friday, January 19 - Sunday, January 20 i havent posted but i'll give u a little summary of the weekend... CHEAT, CHEAT, CHEAT!

when we went to drop the girls off for ny, it started with dennys, then just went to shit from there. then came poker with the guys that night, then a family dinner with nothing but sausage to eat on saturday, then the pick up of hte girls on sunday which was shit food all day.

i must say that i am disappointed in how strict i've been. last program i got my results from being 100% strict for 1.5 months and i havent shown that yet in my eyes. jay, you arent a bad influence, i just need to dig deep and do it. today was great and the workout i had with bas made me miss feeling good about my fitness again. start again tomorrow, and this time, I WILL stay strong till my goal is reached!

Rob said...

DAY 37 - Monday, Jan. 21, 2008

today when i woke up i did 45 minutes of cardio. i need to get my ass back into gear if i wanna make my goal for march 1st. at night i did my chest/tricep superset with bas and it absolutely rocked! my chest was crazy pumped and my strength was up! i guess something good still comes out of cheating lol. hahah.

meal 1 (post cardio) - ground beef, onion, tomato, potato, cheese.

meal 2 - can of tuna, handful of peanuts

meal 3 - protein pudding, cheese string

meal 4 (post workout) - 1/4 chicken white meat, rice, WW roll.

meal 5 - half can of salmon (25g protein), 1 tbsp PB

meal 6 - protein shake, 1 tbsp PB.

see you all tomorrow for circuit! lets get this shit done!!!!!

Rob said...

DAY 38 - Tuesday, Jan. 22, 2008

did circuit tonite and i was dying. circuits at the beginning of low carb diets suck! also, my shin splints came back and calves started aching. i should keep an eye out for that, and if it gets worse.

meal 1 - 8 oz steak, 2 eggs, potatoes.

meal 2 - 8 oz steak, caesar salad

meal 3 - protein shake

meal 4 - protein shake

meal 5 - chili, 2 x bagel w/cheddar

meal 6 - 1/2 can of salmon, 1 tbsp PB.

Rob said...

DAY 39 - Wednesday, Jan. 23, 2008

did legs and shoulders today, b/c i wanted to wait for bas to do back. did some exercises that i usually dont do for legs, and my they were shot lol hahah. i really want my legs back b/c i find they arent as big on the outer sweep as before. shoulders was really good though and i did the machine press stack for 10 reps where i usually do 6.

meal 1 - protein shake, 1 WW toast, PB, fat free cheese

meal 2 - protein shake

meal 3 - protein shake

meal 4 (post workout) - steak sandwich, extra meat.

meal 5 - half chicken

meal 6 - 4 eggs, 2 egg whites, cheese.

i am starting to see the veins in my legs again which is great! i can grab less fat and my shoulders and chest still seem to be growing! i love low carb! lol

Rob said...

DAY 40 - Thursday, Jan. 24, 2008

did 45 minutes of cardio on teh bike when i woke up. was gonna do abs and more cardio later on but i got sick and starting talking to myself lol. i thought it was a good sign to take a rest lol. hahah

meal 1 (post cardio) - chicken burger, 2 WW bread, L, FF cheese

meal 2 - protein shake

meal 3 - half chicken, salad

meal 4 - protein shake

meal 5 - rice and chicken wings (booo it was uncle's bday and there was absolutely nothing better to eat). veggies (i added those in to be good lol.

i was happy with my diet till my uncle's bday but i will make that a high carb day just b/c of that cheat. so Friday wil be a high carb day, and then instead of doing 2 high carb days, saturday will be a low carb again.

Rob said...

ok so this weekend was pretty shit. i got sick thursday and laid in bed all night. my diet was great till i got sick. friday was shit as i was poo pooing liquid and wanted some fibre. i didnt wanna eat in general tho. last meal of BP's killed teh day. saturday was janey's and i wasnt up for eating in general in teh morning b/c i wasnt feeling good still. Astoria wasnt good on teh stomach either lol. sunday i did cardio but i didnt wanna get in my low carb meals until i got rid of htis flu-like sickness b/c i wanted to know if my energy was low b/c of hte sickness or b/c of the low carb diet. sucks ass but i was back on monday!

Rob said...

DAY 44 - Friday, Jan. 29, 2008

did 45 minutes of cardio when i woke up. found a new game to play while doing cardio.... rock band!!! lol. i must say that it is hard playing guitar while biking, but i was sweating like a mofo b/c i wanted to bike to the beat lol hahahah.

did a chest/tri superset workout with bas and jay at night. it was very very good!!! weights lifted were good and the rest pause set at the end was wicked!!!! good stuff boys!

meal 1 - chicken breast, salad.

meal 2 - chicken breast, salad.

meal 3 - protein shake

meal 4 (post workout) - 2 x chicken pita's (small) at Montford grill. chicken, lettuce, pineapple.

meal 5 - 2 x chicken thigh.

meal 6 - protein shake, 1 tbsp PB.

glad to be back on low carb! tomorrow will be good as well!!! wooohooo guys, good job!

i declare this month (feb), the month of strictness. i need to stay on this whole month to even be close to my goal. b/c i havent been as strict as i should've/could've been, i will prolly be extending my goal weight to my birthday whihc is march 15. those 15 days should help alot with getting to my goals!

Rob said...

DAY 45 - Tuesday, Jan. 29, 2008

* yesterday was not a friday (wishful thinking) and it was the 28th lol hahah. im drunk!

ok so i did 1 hour of cardio on the bike when i woke up b/c i knew that i would not be doing circuits at night since we had the baseball meeting. this allowed me to sweat up a storm as well as complete rock band on medium lol hahahah. 705 note streak and 100% accuracy! lol hahahahahahah!

meal 1 - 2 WW toast, ham, L, FF cheese.

meal 2 - protein shake

meal 3 - protein shake

meal 4 - 2 x chicken burger, ginger sauce ala mary (ala jay kao's house lol).

meal 5 - 4 eggs, cheddar.

overall meals were good. woke up late so didnt get as many as id have like to. also didnt have a second workout so didnt take in as much. back at it tomorrow!

Anonymous said...

It was sesame ginger excuse me very much! And rock band does not count as a workout!! Stop playing it! I know that when I cannot contact you for 3 hours and your phone goes striaght to VM you are in the basement playing!!!!!!!!

Rob said...

rock band alone is not a workout. you are right. but when combined with the stationary bike, it is mega intense! lol

jay said...

no need to contact rob in the morning. he's busy man.. with his rock band. lol

Rob said...

rocking out!... with my out? lol

Rob said...

DAY 46 - Wednesday, Jan. 30, 2008

frig! i posted this day already and i dont know where it went so im pissed lol. pretty much i mentioned how i had a good back and bi workout but alot more detail lol hahah. frig! and said great job bas!

meal 1 - protein shake, 1 WW toast, PB

meal 2 - protein shake

meal 3 (pre workout)- 6 inch sub, WW, L, T, pineapple, chicken double meat

meal 4 (post) - philly steak deluxe, L, T, extra meat. woohoo white bread for post!

meal 5 - protein shake

meal 6 - protein shake, 2 tbsp PB.

im hating protein shakes lol. ok bye.

Rob said...

DAY 46 - Thursday, Jan. 31, 2008

oh and i said happy bday to luis and my bro in my original post for jan 30. ok today was cardio so i did 1 hour of cardio on the bike while playing rock band lol.

meal 1 - ham sandwich. ham, WW bread, L, T, FF cheese

meal 2 - protein shake

meal 3 - 1/4 chicken white, caesar salad

meal 4 - protein shake

meal 5 - 4 eggs, 2 egg whites, cheese

ok so i didnt get 6 in today but its cool. temptation all around me. there has been a slice of pizza in my kitchen for the past couple of days looking at me whenever im hungry. during dinner everyone had fries. when my mom ordered desert, she said to me "ok you just have 1 spoon full", to try and convince me to cheat lol. when i got home, i saw 7 packs of world famous chocolate covered almonds. fuck! cant wait for high carb day tomorrow. no cheating tho! I CANT! THIS HAS TO HE A STRICT MONTH!

Rob said...

DAY 50 - Monday, Feb. 4, 2008

so i seem to be on a pattern of missing weekends. they are just so busy that posting doesnt happen. sorry guys, i'll get that fixed lol.

so on sunday i did a leg workout whihc was really good. that's it lol.

today i did chest/tri extended sets. it is the last superset of our 4 week split and it was amazing! bas did a great job and my chest and triceps were cramping all night lol. did the 90 lbs dumbells for my decline as my third exercise! woohoo!!!

meal 1 - 2 eggs, chicken burger

meal 2 - protein shake

meal 3 - beef jerkey (booo)

meal 4 (post workout) - 10 oz steak, potatoes, salad, pita

meal 5 - protein shake, 1 slice WW toast, cheese.

meal 6 - protein shake

workout was great! diet was great! i could see crazy definitino in my calves again. chest is really coming up. shoulders are getting better! woohoo! circuit tomorrow!

Rob said...

DAY 51 - Tuesday, Feb. 5, 2008

today was circuit day and it rocked! good job guys!

so i find that im losing fat and my legs are really coming up with the definition. my upper body is still putting on mass too which i want. i just wanna lose fat faster lol.

meal 1 - 2 eggs, chicken breast

meal 2 - protein shake, slice WW toast, cheddar

meal 3 - chicken breast x 2. greek salad

meal 4 - protein shake

meal 5 (post workout) - pasta, chicken

high carb day tomorrow! wooohooo!!!!

Rob said...

DAY 58 - Tuesday, Feb. 12, 2008

ok ok. now that blue weekend is done (with lots of eating lol) its time to get the diet back on track.

meal 1 - chicken breast, ketchup

meal 2 - chicken breast, ketchup

meal 3 - chicken breast, small veggie quiche

meal 4 - greek salad, 2 x chicken breast

meal 5 - chicken breast, 1/2 cup rice.

meal 6 - shake

Rob said...

DAY 59 - Wednesday, Feb. 13, 2008

meal 1 - protein shake

meal 2 - chicken breast, caesar salad

meal 3 - protein shake

meal 4 - chicken/beef shwarma, hummus

meal 5 - chicken breast

meal 6 - shake, 1 tbsp PB

jay said...

you sure do like the breast (dry ass chicken)


better not be slacking at the gym either.

Rob said...

DAY 71 - Monday, Feb. 25, 2008

ok back from this friggin horrible horrible hiatus!

bas and i decided that we will be doing cardio after weights like we used to, so that is a short term goal that we would like to keep to. if we are training late, i will be doing cardio in the morning as usual.

did 30 minutes of med intensity cardio this morning. at night did a wicked chest/tricep workout with bas. we are on week 1 of the 4 week superset circuit again. after we did a 20 minute BFL cardio session on the treadmill! it was friggin hard! i am not in running shape anymore but hopefully i will get there soon!

meal 1 - protein shake, 1 WW toast, PB

meal 2 - protein shake, PB

meal 3 - can of salmon

meal 4 - pre-workout shake

meal 5 - chicken breast, roll, baked potato.

meal 6 - protein shake, PB

Anonymous said...


jay said...

seriously.. no elgb? wth

Rob said...

DAY 72 - Tuesday, Feb. 26, 2008

day 2 was wicked as well! my low carb diet with my new burner has already shed alot of water and definition is coming back already. did 30 minutes of cardio when i woke up and did a friggin killer leg workout! cant wait to do back tomorrow!

meal 1 - protein shake, 2 slices rye, cheddar

meal 2 - protein shake, 1 slice rye, PB

meal 3 - whole food protein bar

meal 5 - hummus, beef, chicken

meal 6 (post workout) - 10 oz steak, home fries (not deep fried), 1 pita, salad

meal 7 - protein shake

i think overall i need to keep my carbs a bit higher then i was before to accomodate the higher volume of cardio im doing!

Rob said...

DAY 73 - Wednesday, Feb. 27, 2008

HIGH CARB DAY!!!!! woohooo!!! today i used a high carb day to help with my lacking energy to this new diet again. this last program that we've been on has seen me have a cheat meal on high carb days and im glad that i didnt, though i was very tempted. overall, i feel great!

did shoulder workout with bas, while introducing a new exercise at the end (lat raise holds for 5 seconds, rear delt fly supersets) and it was great!

meal 1 - ham sandwich on multi grain. ham, cheddar, L.

meal 2 - ham sandwich on multigrain. ham, cheddar, L.

meal 3 - grilled chicken sub on WW, double meat. pineapple, L, T, O, low fat ranch.

meal 4 - protein bar.

meal 5 - protein shake.

meal 6 - chicken stir fry with pasta.

meal 7 - protein shake

Rob said...

DAY 74 - Wednesday, Feb. 28, 2008

THE RETURN OF ELGB!!!!! i hvaent been on my elgb for awhile for a number of reasons, one being i have no money to buy it, so i've been living on shakes lol. but i decided that i really needed whole food protein sources so it makes its return! lol.

i DID NOT workout at all today for 1 reason... my legs are as sore today as after the marathon. i cant walk properly let alone do the bike. when im going down the stairs, my legs either give way and i almost fall, or lock and i hurt my knee. that leg workout was amazing! lol

meal 1 - protein shake, 1 slice MG toast, PG

meal 2 - protein shake, 1 slice MG toast, PB

meal 3 - 8 oz ELGB, 1/2 cup veggies.

meal 4 - 8 oz ELGB, 1/2 cup veggies, 1/3 cup of brown rice

meal 5 - 8 oz ELGB, 1/2 cup veggies

jay said...

that's wicked man!! the new born dear has returned!!! haha i love it

can't your parents buy elgb?

Rob said...


ok so the weekend was pretty shit but i managed to make due.

on sunday we started a Body For Life competition against simon and tina so that is where i will pickup.

DAY 78 - Sunday, March 2, 2008

did chest at the gym with conrad. though im doing the body for life training which consists of 3 days weights, i really wanna do extra work on chest since that is a trouble spot for me. so today i started off with it.

meal 1 - protein shake

meal 2 (post workout) - buffet. it was my grandfather's bday. it wasnt too bad b/c i stopped before i was even full, even though the food wasnt the best.

meal 3 - protein shake

meal 4 - lean pork, carrots, asparagus

meal 5 - protein shake

Rob said...

DAY 79 - Monday, March 3, 2008

so today was day 1 of my BFL weight training. i did legs with bas, and though overall volume is really low, my legs were dead! i also like that i was able to hit heavier weights in my training again! over 5 plates on the calf raise machine! lol

meal 1 - 2 x BM burger, 1/4 cup brown rice

meal 2 - protein shake

meal 3 - 1 x BM burger, 1/4 cup rice

meal 4 - protein shake

meal 5 (post workout) - 10 oz steak, potatoes, pita bread

meal 6 (post vball) - protein shake, 1 WW toast, PB, fat free cheese.

jay said...

i can squat 5 plates you sissy..

Rob said...

you wanna see my thighs? i think i have the biggest quads in the gym. look at my tan lines lol hahahaha. friggin keith lol.

DAY 80 - Tuesday, March 4, 2008

my legs were done after yesterday's leg workout and volleyball so i decided to pass up on the morning cardio today. i did the BFL 20 minute HIIT cardio with mary, tina and si and it was great! honestly, when done right, this cardio kills the 30 minutes of circuits, in only 20. great job mary with killing your first day back into running!

meal 1 - 2 x BM burger, 1/4 cup brown rice

meal 2 - protein shake

meal 3 - 8 oz ELGB, 1/4 cup brown rice

meal 4 - BM burger, 1/4 cup brown rice

meal 5 - protein bar

meal 6 (post-workout) - my favourite post workout meal... 1/2 box BM mac n' cheese w/ a can of tuna! YUMM!!!

meal 7 - protein shake, 1 tbsp PB

can't wait till my upper body workout tomorrow. hopefully bas and i can co-ordinate our schedules to get the workout in together.

Anonymous said...

you do NOT have the best thighs in the gym...


Anonymous said...

Good work getting back into things Rob. I really enjoyed the BFL cardio. Pain pain and more pain. I do need some tweeking with the weight training, but the cardio I have down.

I know it's hard with your family parties and stuff, but I know you can do it and get to where you want to be by May. We'll all work together!

jay said...

who's got the best thighs??

Rob said...

Keith has nothing on me!!!!!! I am KEITH!!! LOL. mary you dont even know ok! come may 1st, you'll see more tear drops then Mary while watching Radio!!! hahhahha loser! lol

DAY 81 - Wednesday, March 5, 2008

did my upper body BFL workout with bas today and it was great! so much intensity and it was awesome to get back into heavy weights today!

chest: incline press/db decline press (awesome!)

back: machine row (dont do again lol)/db pullover (crazy intense!)

shoulders: side lat raises/machine press (really felt it!)

bi's: standing barbell curls (meh, try something new next time)/db hammer curls(great!)

tri's: cable pressdowns(i was crazy intese just to show up those kids working out beside us lol)/close grip push up to failure (my shoulders/chest/triceps looked jacked! lol)

machine chest press x 50 reps rest pause (friggin hard!)


meal 1 - 1/4 cup brown rice, BM burger, 2oz cheese

meal 2 - protein shake, 1 WW bread, PB

meal 3 - 1/4 cup brown rice, 8 oz ELGB.

meal 4 - protein bar

meal 5 - protein shake

meal 6 - woot! mac n' cheese with tuna! yumm carbs!

meal 7 - protein shake, PB

so i noticed something great today! there was KFC chicken and fries infront of me and i had to choose b/w that and my lean burgers and i didnt even think twice about hte chicken. and an open box of the world famous chocolate covered almonds were in front of me and i wasnt tempted at all. i think i finally am in that zone with my diet like when i was in the condo. i think this will be a fun 2 months....

jay said...

that's wil power..not to eat kfc.. lol

and what's with the bracketed weights?? you can't put brackets like me and not indicate actual weights@! freegin guy lol

Anonymous said...

KFC is so gross
like your face!!

i'm kidding, i love u

Rob said...

lol the brackets are to indicate whether i enjoyed teh exercise or not. in terms of weight, i pretty much have a good grasp of what i can and cant do to hit failure based on my energy levels. i may consider adding the weight i do but at this point im concentrating on the feel of the set. if early on in the set it feels a bit light, i wil hcange it, or add slower reps/static holds/etc.

DAY 82- Thursday, March 6, 2008

today i took a day off from cardio since i was crazy tired being up all day studying for an exam that i had at night. that cardio will be implemented on saturday.

meal 1 - 2 x BM burger, 1/4 cup brown rice

meal 2 - 8oz ELGB, 1/4 cup brown rice

meal 3 - 1 x BM burger, 1/4 cup brown rice

meal 4 - protein shake

meal 5 - chicken breast x 2, 1/4 cup brown rice

meal 6 - 10 oz steak, asparagus, mushrooms, onions.

enjoying this so far! energy is up, motivation is up, and bodyfat is down already! and muscles are coming up again! woohooo!

Anonymous said...

you actually had a chicken wrap my friend

Rob said...

that post was for thursday, not friday.

DAY 83- Friday, March 7, 2008

did my second lower body workout today with basil and it was crazy intense! even tho the bfl weights are intense, i always like to turn it up a notch and by the end of hte workout we couldnt walk lol. we also did 15 minutes of an interval training on the treadmill, skipping and pushups.

meal 1 - 2 x chicken breast, 1/2 cup brown rice

meal 2 - BM burger, 1/4 cup brown rice

meal 3 - chicken breast, 1/4 cup brown rice

meal 4 - protein shake

meal 5 (post workout) - chicken wrap, 1/4 chicken, baked potato.

meal 6 - chicken breast, 1/4 cup brown rice. picked at muffin top lol hahah.

Rob said...

DAY 84- Saturday, March 8, 2008

i usually would like saturday to be my off day, but took thursday off since i was exhausted from skool stuff. did 20 minutes BFL HIIT cardio on the bike! that was crazy intense! i tried to keep a steady fast pace at each lvl and by then end i was sweating bullets!

meal 1 - 3 scrambled eggs w/tomato, 1 slice toast, cheese

meal 2 - 1 chicken breast, 1/4 cup brown rice

meal 3 - meat loaf ala rob (elgb baby!), veggies, mashed potatoes

meal 4 - protein shake

meal 5 - yogurt, 1 WW toast, chedder, some of mary's cereal, and picked at a muffin top lol.

besides my last meal of the day, i am really happy with my diet. we shoveled alot, so i planned to have some extra carbs but i couldve controlled a bit better at the end! good job either way!

Rob said...

DAY 85- Sunday, March 9, 2008

week 2 of body for life starts today and i must say that everything seems to be going amazingly! losing body fat already and veins are starting to come back. im also not losing muscle mass and seem to be gaining still! did BFL cardio with mary on the treadmill (5,6,7,8-9), did some weighted abs and did 2 strip sets of leg extensions since we will only be hitting legs twice this week. after that, i couldnt walk again lol. on top of htat, i shovelled my house, twice, and helped a bit at mary's. tho i never count shovelling a workout, b/c of shovelling, im exhausted lol.

meal 1 - 2 chicken breast, 1/2 cup brown rice

meal 2 - yogurt

meal 3 (post workout) - 1/4 chicken white, baked potato, roll.

meal 4 - lobster with blackbean sauce ala emil, bok choy, 1/4 cup brown rice. im really glad that i really limited myself in this meal, and didnt eat more rice then i originally gave myself. portion control at its hardest! lol

meal 5 - chicken breast, 1/4 cup brown rice

meal 6 - protein shake

jay said...

shovelling snow is a work out. i don't know about you but i've had enough of it!!

good to see that the viens are coming back for a encore tear drop presentation!!

way to keep it up even before vball!!

Rob said...

thank you jason! im done with shovelling lol! hahhaha.

DAY 86- Monday, March 10, 2008

today was upper body workout 1 of the week and i must say that it was friggin crazy!!!! BFL is not supposed to make you crazy sore since you arent doing a ton of volume per body part. that's why you hit it twice a week. but... you should feel very fatigued and very pumped when you workout, and today was the shit! got up to almost 2 plates for my incline press on my 6, and we were fortunate enough to have the cables free to do a quick triset on them. back was the best ive done in a long time. had the smith machine and we pumped out crazy ass bentover rows with tons of weight lol. tri's were great as usual but the bicep workout was the best ive had in awhile. ith ink i need to change to cables for abit for my first exercise. did volleyball afterwords...

meal 1 - 2 x BM burger, 1/2 cup brown rice

meal 2 - 1 chicken breast, 1/4 cup brown rice

meal 3 - protein shake, PB

meal 4 - protein shake

meal 5 - 10 oz steak, WW pasta, veggies, salad

meal 6 - shake

Rob said...

DAY 87- Tuesday, March 11, 2008

today was BFL cardio and i did it on the treadmill as usual. i must say that i was dead tired! i tried to keep my high running speed but couldnt. HOWEVER, that doesnt mean my intensity wasnt high! BFl is about pushing it, and as cliche as it sounds... heart lol. if you want it enough, you will push! and though i was dead, i pushed to get back to 9 mph for my last lvl. hard, but will be worth it.

i must say that i've had some crazy ass results in the last 2 weeks. veins are coming up like crazy in my arms and definition is totally getting up there. my legs are filling out and my running condition is coming back. the biggest change i see is that at night, after all my meals and all the water in my body, i am starting to see the outline of abs and chest definition, and i am grabbing alot less fat. lower case C! lol hahah. 8 more weeks of this! i cant wait!

meal 1 - 2 x BM burger, 1/2 cup brown rice

meal 2 - 8 oz ELGB, 1/4 cup brown rice

meal 3 - 1/2 protein bar, 1/2 protein shake

meal 4 - 1/2 protein bar, 1/2 protein shake

meal 5 (post workout) - 2 timmies sandwiches on WW, no mayo

meal 6 - protein shake, PB

Rob said...

ok so blue is over! i was scared before the trip b/c last time it took me awhile to get back into the groove of things, but this morning i jumped right back on the diet routine. it was abit hard since i had no food prepared but ratios were good and i guarantee tomorrow wil be better. lol.

Rob said...

DAY 93- Monday, March 17, 2008

so it felt great to get back to training right away after a rest weekend, but i must say, my body did not feel good while working out . though i was pumped to get going, i think my body was burning alot of the crap that was consumed this weekend (too much food/alcohol), so half way through our workout, i got a crazy headache and fatigue set in quickly. bas actually felt the same thing. this sucked b/c we were absolutely killing our legs today. the trainer was actually telling us that in our 40 minutes that we train, we kill ourselves and you could tell we work hard. shit face, sweat pouring, the works. we did our leg extension strip set, and for calves we did 3 fatigue sets with 4 plates. skipped traps as they take a large toll on me and i wasnt feeling up to it. we will for sure hit it twice tho this week. played vball for 2.5 hours afterwards and i must say that today's run was the best and most enjoyable in a very long time. cant wait to run it again next week!

diet wise, i tried to eat lighter protein sources (booooo) since my stomach wasnt up for eating larger amounts of mass yet. i will continue this tomorrow as well.

meal 1 - protein shake, 1 WW toast, PB

meal 2 - protein shake, 1 WW toast, 2 oz cheese

meal 3 - protein shake

meal 4 - 1/2 protein bar

meal 5 (post workout) - 10 oz steak, potatoes, pita, hummus

meal 6 - protein shake

friggin dont enjoy that many shakes, but it feels good to get liquid sources instead of solids for a couple of days after a poor eating weekend. on wednesday, i will resume whole food regularity!

on another note, im glad to see eddie and sheila on the blog! welcome and i hope you gain as much from this forum as i do! congratz on taking a huge step towards achieving your fitness goals!

Rob said...

so i was looking at some pics and talking to eddie about training/fat loss/goals, and im friggin pumped to hit my goals!!!! im 235 still but with more size and definition then when i weighed in last. by the cruise i will hit 220 lbs keeping my mass what it is now!

im gonna set up some after shots for May 6 or 7. who's down?

Anonymous said...

You forgot to mention that you sat for 30min at the gym making fun of people.

*shakes head*

Anonymous said...

Time to BRING IT Rob!
Going topless all summer!

Put me down for the pics!

Rob said...

ok fuck this shit! im too pumped now! lol hahah.

since we are all putting updated goals i will as well.

Rob's goals.

1) i have put on a significant amount of muscle mass in the past few months and i think i am happy with my overall size. with that said, i will devote the next 2 months until the cruise to pure fat loss.

2) planned cheat meals only... period. if it be 1 a month, or 1 a week, it has to be planned ahead of time or im not cheating.

3)start 2 a days, with minimum 20 minutes of cardio upon waking and either HIIT cardio at night or BFL weights.

4) continue to work on my chest development. ive seen a big difference since we started again, but as usuall, it can get better.

5) to be 220lbs by the cruise, with the same amount of muscle mass that i have now. i've stayed the same weight and cut down some fat so im happy with progress so far. lets just keep it going!

6) have a bedtime shake or a 2am shake every single night!

DAY 95- Tuesday, March 18, 2008

did HIIT cardio with mary for 20 minutes. as usual, my runs are pretty shit the day after legs, but they are always just as intense. i was friggin pouring on the treadmill today!!!!! lol. good as always, but now that i am committing to after pics, its time to step it up!

meal 1 - 8 oz ELGB, 1/8 cup WW couscous

meal 2 - 1 BM burger, 1/8 cup WW couscous

meal 3 - protein shake

meal 4 - protein bar

mael 5 - protein shake

meal 6 (post workout) - 2 x chicken pitas w/ L. extra pita.

meal 7 - bedtime shake, 1 tbsp PB

Anonymous said...

Great goals!

Keep up the hard work!

We gotta buy matching Jersey's for when we grease up!

Rob said...

jerseys? all naked buddy! lol

Anonymous said...

Yo Rob,

Are you doing the mississaugamarathon?
My co-workers want to start a corperate team and I might do it!

Rob said...

hey buddy! i dont think i am gonna do that one b/c its really close and i havent started training for it. also its really hot at that time and running for that duration in the heat is balls. i will for sure be doing the toronto marathon. not scotiabank, toronto marathon. join me if you want! i need a running partner!

Rob said...

first and foremost, i must say that the resurgence of the healthy mentality in our group is really uplifting and motivating!

DAY 96- Wednesday, March 19, 2008

wokeup and started my day with my goal of doing morning cardio. did 30 minutes of moderate paced cardio (no losing muscle!). before work i did my upper body workout with bas and it was friggin great! chest was altered to incorporate a triset at the end which really torched my chest. i htink id like to keep incline press my exercise of chioce in weeks were we hit LB twice and incorporate the triset instead of just a superset. the back exercises that we chose (smith bentover row/pullovers) are pretty much the ones i wanna stick with on a regular basis. on weeks where we hit UB twice i will change it up tho. i must say that ive never gotten so many good results with my bentover rows as i am getting right now. shoulders look amazing and im really feeling it in my back. strength is up and i think my back is trying to take the place of my favorite body part lol. for shoulders we did smith BB presses/dumbell side laterals. i did not like the smith presses and i will not be doing them again lol. triceps were pretty routine for us (heavy pressdowns and closegrip pushups to failure). biceps were a strong point today! i did alternating DB curls/alternating hammer curls and the DB curls were amazing. i started with 20's and did 25's for my sets of 10,8,and 6. they were just that pumped! i did alot of isometric holds and stuff to work even more and to not focus on lifting the weight, and it paid off! i find that focusing on keeping my shoulders rolled and down/back and supinating to a wider angled curl worked amazing! after we finished up, bas and i did 10 minutes on the stepper to add a bit more intensity to the workout! great day and i can officially say that im totally back in THAT zone again!

meal 1 - 1/2 cup rice, 1/2 cup veggies, 6 oz chicken breast

meal 2 - 1/2 cup rice, 1/2 cup veggies, 6 oz chicken breast

meal 3 - protein shake

meal 4 (postworkout) - 1 1/2 cup white rice, 8 oz beef, 1/2 cup of veggies

meal 5 - protein shake MRP (a bit more carbs then my shakes from home)

meal 6 - 1 BM burger, 25 g (1/8 cup)WW spinach couscous.

meal 7 - protein shake, 1 tbsp PB

im gonna fucking make this photo shoot count!

here comes the motivational pictures put up in my room and in my bathroom! it's on!

Anonymous said...

I don't know how you get all your meals in? How do you feel about things now? I know you were a little disappointed with things before.
How about now? You've come a long way from before and your hard work has paid off. You probably have an idea as to where you want to be, but all you guys have done amazing so far!
You really helped me out! Hopefully with this last weeks to the cruise, we'll all kick it into gear and motivate eachother.

Maybe we should do a lot of little competitions?

Rob said...

haha i was talking with jay v yesterday and said that when it comes to competition, he doenst see anyone get as intense as me, so ya competitions fuel me lol.

things are going really really well actually! i didnt really wanna do bfl but bas and i thought it would be a good way to motivate you guys, and change it up a bit. since then i've been able to maintain my muscle since it was about time i stopped putting on mass, and definition has been coming up like crazy! fat seems to be coming off quickly now and most importantly im motivated to have a clean diet. i dont really crave at all anymore and the thoguht of cheating just doesnt really enter my mind. im looking at pics alot more now to keep me focused on where i want to be, and i remind my self that this time last year, i was able to get some great results in teh same time frame.

in terms of my meals, i eat every 2.5-3 hours and i always have a shake before i workout. also, since im back in THAT zone, if my timing is off a bit for my bedtime shake, i'l set my alarm and wake up 3 hours after my last meal and have my shake. i find that i recover so much better when i do this, and fat seems to peel off faster even if its extra calories.

we are all doing really well and im very proud of everyone! last few weeks to kick it in gear! let's do it!!!! lol

Anonymous said...

So i've decided to do the Mississauga Marathon.

I was debating to flop it but my abs told me to do it.

Going to double up with cardio in the AM then workouts in the pm.

I will get abs in no time and it will somewhat prepare me for the 50K Ride For Heart!

jay said...

haha dammit. so many words...
rob you really really need POINT FORM haha BULLETS are your friend!!

no one has the intenstity??? jay v is on drugs. he forgot NOONAN!! haha what kind of competition??? if its eating, i'm out. if it's BFL i'm out haha anything else i'm in.

Anonymous said...

Good job Rob! I'm glad things are better. I can tell you're a lot more satisfied now that your veins are back. lol!
Although there aren't any actual competitions, I think of this program as a competition on it's own.

Rob said...

DAY 97 - Thursday, March 20, 2008

i did 30 minutes of cardio right when i woke up. same as usual, moderate intensity. at night i did some trap work and some forearm work before i did my BFL cardio. with my insoles, my legs didnt get as sore as before which is amazing, but i was pretty tired lol.

meal 1 - 1 BM burger, 1/8 WW spinach cous cous

meal 2 - yogurt, 1 WW cracker, FF cheese

meal 3 - 8 oz steak, steamed veggies, salad

meal 4 - 10 oz steak, potatoes, salad

meal 5 (post workout) - chicken pita w/ pineapple, garlic sauce, L, T, O.

meal 6 - protein shake, PB

Rob said...

DAY 98 - Friday, March 21, 2008

today i went to the gym and did my lower body workout with mary, and man... is she strong! when she did my squat, she made sure every rep went all the way down to the box, and her form was suprisingly stellar! we did a negative ham raise exercise and she friggin killed me! when we did calves, she was doing seated calf raises with up to 3 plates and a 35! beast i tell you! as for me, my calves and quads are really getting up there again! workout was good but i think i couldve pushed a bit harder, but b/c of downtime to teach mary, the intensity wasnt as high as usual. once she gets the hang of it, im sure it'll be back. one thing about the girls tho (mary and mara). just b/c im doing a heavier weight then you, that doesnt mean you CANNOT spot me. i choose a weight that will make me fail at the end, and you realy dont need more then a little pressure to help me complete that rep. come on!! make me work harder! after weights we did some skipping and some biking. then we decided to play some 2 on 2, me and con vs jonas and bas. if you wanna know how that went, ask bas... ;P

meal 1 - 3 eggs, tomatoes, 2 x WW crackers, FF cheese

meal 2 (post workout) - tilapia w/ T, O, eggs. white rice

meal 3 - salmon, asparagus, 1/4 cup brown rice

meal 4 - 4 x WW crackers, 2 x FF cheese

meal 5 - yogurt

meal 6 - protein shake, PB

not eating meat was a big challenge for me, but i think i did alrite. great workout overall and diet was good! woohoo!

Anonymous said...

thank you for all the help Rob!

Rob said...


DAY 99 - Saturday, March 22, 2008

woke up and did 30 minutes of cardio at a medium pace. i spotted mary through the upper body workout and afterwards did 15 minutes of BFL cardio, cutting out one cycle since the gym was closing. even at 15 minutes i was friggin pouring buckets! lol. more then anything tho, i am proud of hte diet! we went to a bday party at casey's today and we turned down all the offers for apps, and the slice of chocolate ckae they offered us! i can honestly say taht i wasnt even tempted! i dont htink i even have the urge to cheat anymore! woohoo! great stuff mary!

meal 1 - 3 eggs, T, 1 WW toast, PB

meal 2 - protein shake, FF yogurt

meal 3 (post workout) - 1/4 chicken white, baked potato, roll, chicken wrap.

meal 4 - korean fire beef. pretty much some sirloin beef strips on a whole bunch of veggies (bok choy, carrots, onions, bean sprouts), 1/4 cup rice.

meal 5 - WW bagel, chedder, turkey sandwich.

meal 6 - protein shake, PB

Rob said...

DAY 100 - Sunday, March 23, 2008

HAPPY EASTER!!!! so today had hte potential to be a disaster since easter usually equates to eating alot of chocolate, good food at mary's family's house and then ice cream for dessert. but i told myself that i was not gonna cheat unless planned until the cruise, and i chose not to plan for any cheats. sooooo with that said, i made amazing choices and practiced really good portion control. did cardio at night wiht mary tho we were very tired. great stuff!

meal 1 - protein shake, 2 WW crackers, 1 FF cheese

meal 2 - small piece of lasagna, 2 x potato chops (potato, ground beef and veggie), a bit of beef, a bit of chicken breast and salad.

meal 3 - yogurt

meal 4 - pork roast, carrots, potatoes, rice

meal 5 - pork roast, carrots, potatoes, rice

meal 6 - protein shake

Rob said...

DAY 101 - Monday, March 24, 2008

today i had upper body with bas and i must say, this was prolly the best upper body workout that we've done while on BFL. isntead of doing inclines as our main chest exercise we switched it up and did DB presses (which i was able to push out the 90's). we followed it with our cable superset for chest. back was the same exercises as usual but crazy intense. shoulders we went back to side laterals and finished wiht machine presses and i maxed the machine out for my 12 super set. triceps were agian the same 2 exercises but with vbar pushdowns i added some extra weight on top of the stack. and biceps we did alternating DB curls and alternating hammer curls which really worked my bi's. we did 2 hours of vball afterwards. i noticed while i was working out today that the vein in my left shoulder has started to come out again but a bit thicker! i am pumped for this b/c usually i get the thick vein on my right side and spider web looking veins on my left shoulder. veins in my bi's were also coming out alot more and while doing bi's u could see a distinct connection from forearm, to bicep to shoulder. woohoo!!!!!

meal 1 - pork roast, with 1/4 brown rice, carrots, potato.

meal 2 - 6 inch chicken sub, extra meat, L, T, mozza, pineapple.

meal 3 - same as 2

meal 4 - protein shake

meal 5 (post weights) - protein bar, yogurt, and cheese string. thanx mary!!!

meal 6 (post vball) - 10 oz steak, potatoes, no pitas. i told mary that i will not eat any pita bread at montford anymore until after the cruise.

Rob said...

DAY 102 - Tuesday, March 25, 2008

these next few weeks are gonna be super hard to get my 2 a days in since everyday this week ive been at skool at 6am and i go to sleep at 1:30am. starting thursday, i will begin the 2 a days again since my essay will be handed in by then and my test will be over. today was a cardio day and i did 20 mins BFL on the treadmill. me left knee was hurting today after vball which sux b/c my right knee is usually the one that feels pain. i think its my running gait, but hopefully after getting back into it, it corrects itself. b/c of the knee i started off slightly slower then usual w/ 7.0 as my lvl 9, but i pushed up to a 9.5 for my lvl 10 and i was glad i did. i also spotted mary today with lower body BFL weights and tho she thinks she could have pushed herself more then she did, im quite impressed with her performance so far. none of the guys, except for maybe jonas has ever performed at this lvl within the first 3 workouts! good stuff mary, and dont worry, once you get a feel for the routine, you will know when to stop and when to push on. next week i guarantee you will be able to do more then a 45 plate on each side for your squats!

meal 1 - 7 oz ELGB, mixed veggies, 1/2 cup brown rice

meal 2 - 6 inch grilled chicken sub. double meat, L, T, P, light ranch, on WW.

meal 3 - protein shake

meal 4 - 7 oz ELGB, mixed veggies, 1/4 cup brown rice

meal 5 - 1/2 protein bar

meal 6 (post workout) - 7 oz ELGB, mixed veggies,1/2 cup brown rice

meal 7 - protein shake, tbsp PB

i must also say that when i was spotting mary, i noticed that my veins were especially prominent! lol. woooohoooo!

Anonymous said...

Let me borrow some veins.

Rob said...

haha give me 3 more weeks and you can borrow as many as you want! lol
(hopefully lol)

Anonymous said...

First of all, I like how you noticed YOUR veins when you were spotting ME! loser...

and second, who knocked on your door this time? honestly, you need like a stand in the valleys, with a HELLO I'm ROB Ask me a Question sticker on your chest. lol

jay said...

it should also say no H.

all the way in the parking lot? wow. dude. that's really creepy!

glad that you got the viens coming back!! we all know what that means... you'll be officially inducted into the board of directors of the vien club!! haha

Rob said...

mary: hey if they are popping, they are popping lol.

jay: ya its friggin creepy. i was sorta freaked out lol

DAY 103 - Wednesday, March 26, 2008

so after looking at my calendar, i dont think that i have any cheat meals planned until the cruise, meaning no cheating till then! the only time where there may be an exception is if bas wants to go somewhere for cheats on his bday! i'll keep you posted lol.

today was the last really really busy day at skool so i should be good to start 2 a days tomorrow instead of friday. lowerbody today and i was fucking done even before i was in the gym... been at skool at 5-6am everyday this week and like 3 hours of sleep a night. did my squats with bas and we fucking killed it! my legs were done there and then lol. went up wiht my db deadlifts to 65 for the superset which im happy bout. did 5 plates and 2 x 35 for calf raises which is also good. overall, i am pleased with how i did even tho i was so tired!

results wise, things are going great! i have a noticeably smaller 'lower case C' lol. veins are going everywhere and im getting alot better shape then 2 weeks ago. woohoo!

today was also the raptor's game with mary and i am pleased to say that we did not cheat at all and came prepared wit protein bars at the game. the only time i was somewhat tempted was when i stepped outside of union and smelled the street meat lol. yummm!!!

meal 1 - 8 oz ELGB, mixed veggies, 1/4 cup brown rice, 2 x melba toast.

meal 2 - protein shake

meal 3 - 1/2 protein shake, protein bar

meal 4 (post workout) - 1/2 protein shake, 8 oz ELGB, mixed veggies, 1/4 cup brown rice, 1 white english muffin with cheddar

meal 5 - protein bar

meal 6 - 8 oz steak, baked potato (ok so they gave me a loaded baked potato and it hurt for me to scrape off all of hte cheese,bacon and other toppings, but you gotta do what you gotta do lol. no way im cheating!).

meal 7 - protein shake, 1 tbsp PB

Rob said...

DAY 104 - Thursday, March 27, 2008

so today had to be another day i skipped mornign cardio and for one reason, my alarm on my cell phone doesnt work lol. i ended up getting up at 11:30, and had to rush to skool to study for my test. boooo!!!! its all good, i got it in today (writing on friday lol). did cardio at night with mary and was really good with my running pace! got up to 9.5 on my lvl 10! i also did a push up cycle with mary just to get some extra work in. one thing i am noticing is that after starting running and doing my squats, my knees are starting to get sore again so i think i need to address that pretty soon. booo!!!!

meal 1 - 1/2 cup pasta w/meat sauce and 4 oz ELGB, with veggies

meal 2 - 6 inch grilled chicken sub, double meat, WW, L, T, P.

meal 3 - protein shake

meal 4 (post workout) - 1/4 chicken white, 2 x baked potatoes

meal 5 - 8 oz ELGB, mixed veggies

meal 6 (bathroom alarm clock set for 3am) - protein shake, tbsp PB

jay said...

washroom alarm? wth you need to time your urine breaks? lol i think mr prostate needs an examination *tells mary to poke two fingers up robs ___ ...* lol haha

and the day you are able to flex scrotum... wow.. lol

Rob said...

hahaha no i just keep an alarm clock in the bathroom that goes off in the middle of hte night so i can take a protein shake that i have waiting there. if i keep it beside my bed its likely that i will just turn it off, so this way im forced to get up. lol. maybe i should put this clock beside me so i can get up in time to study lol

Anonymous said...

I'll leave the prostate exams to JenG Thanks.

Rob said...

yo u just gave jen consent to fondle my nether regions lol.

Anonymous said...

hey rob what do you normally eat for breakfast? curious to know...

this prostate conversation is awkward.

jay said...

^ lol hahah i can see jayv giving this akward face haha <:S

tanning bronzer!!!

Anonymous said...

hahaah, you know me too well, i know i tend to give that awkward face quite a bit...

Rob said...

ya dont give me shit face...shit face. lol. my 'breakfast' to me is really meal 1, so im not disposed to having 'breakfast type' of foods. generally will eat 8oz of ELGB or other protein, and about 1/2 cup of brown rice instead of the 1/4 im doing for my other meals. i will also generally have added fat like flax seed oil, eggs, or peanut butter to boost my growth hormone and testosterone for the day!

Anonymous said...

Hey Robster!

Shei and I were talking with john after Swiss and he said he wants to join FAT!

We told him it will benifit him and will motivate him to be more consistent with working out on a regular and making healthy choices.

Hook that old man winterz up!

Rob said...

hey eddie/sheila, if you can send me his email addy so i can talk to him bout the group as well.

DAY 108 - Monday, March 31, 2008

i wont post what i did this weekend b/c i dont want to think lol. but i can assure you that it was all good, and i got 7 meals a day. i am very proud of not cheating when we went to BP's, bowling and Lucky Strike on saturday.

did not workout on saturday, but did bootcamp on sunday. it was a really good workout providing you push your ass off, and that lisa pushes you, however it just doenst work well wiht my routine. i will consider doing it still if its a circuit/cardio routine next week, and possibly on weeks where i have 2 lower body workouts.

today was a lower body workout w/ Bas and luis joined us. the squats as usuall were amazing and we upped the weight a bit. my knees were feeling really good so i didnt have a problem touching the box on every rep. on our leg extension strip set, we finished off with forced negatives for 15 seconds which was awesome. i think it may be time to up the weight for this exercise from the 90lbs starting point. hams continue to be an issue for me/us. we did leg curls to start which was fine and used forced negatives to up the intensity a bit. we did the bench, leg ups, but i dont think bas and luis liked it much. i think its friggin hard lol. id like to maybe throw in some lunges, but it works alot of quads. i think deads are great, but it is so much a full body exercise. i think i will add them in tho. maybe as the second exercise and find some intensity techniques add to them. calves were amazing. we got up to 4 plates of 45 and 4 plates of 35 lol. i killed it! we also did rest pause sets with the safety for our 6's, holding for 3 seconds each rep. good stuff!

afterwards we put luis through our quad exercises and he puked. it was great! lol. even though it took him forever to get it done, i do commend him on finishing. it's drive that gets the job done, not physical ability and the weight that you can push.

we did traps after and i love doing traps. the veins come out all over lol hahah!

meal 1 - 8 oz ELGB, 1/2 cup brown rice

meal 2 - 8 oz ELGB, 1/4 cup brown rice

meal 3 - protein shake

meal 4 (post workout) - 1/4 chicken white, baked potato, roll, 1/2 a chicken wrap.

meal 5 - 8 oz ELGB, 1/2 cup brown rice

meal 6 (3am alarm) - protein shake, PB

meal 2

Anonymous said...

Hey Rob,

His email is

I know this tool along with us will motivate him to be consistent with his workouts and eating healthier.

Anonymous said...

I love watching you guys all work out. You push so hard! NICE WORK!

jay said...

i like watching simba too!! hahaha

yah really enjoy that calve and trap routine!!

teepee81 said...

thanks for helping us out yesterday, Rob.

Anonymous said...

thanks for increasing the weight ninja!!!

you ass...


TenInchMan said...

Hey bro, I just wanted to say this since I am unsure of if anyone has written on your log yet. I am damn proud of how far you have come!

Anyone who has known Rob fine at least high school knows what I am talking about. His physical, emotional and mental transformation since he started working out has been tremendous! He is a prime example of what we all can achieve should we have the perseverence, strength of will and determination to do so.

If you look at his growth, you can see the evolution to a truly healthy lifestyle. He took baby steps, despite it seeming to happen so quickly. He started only caring about lifting. He then became more and more aware of the benefit of supplements. Then finally, he put the last piece of the puzzle together by including a clean diet. This happened over several years, and has resulted in these 3 things being part of his lifestyle, and not some sacrifice he is making over a specified period of time. That is what we need to do to truly become healthy.

You're my hero!

jay said...

*runs away wailing and crying*
*wipes tears on tissue*

He's my hero too. Who else was the one to give him a real challenge back then??? :)

Anonymous said...

Hey Rob thanks so much for helping yesterday. Despite you busy schedule and work load you always take the time to help us out! Thanks again.
And nice try being sneaky yesterday trying to put on more reps and weight! TSK TSK! We know what you're trying to do! lol!

Rob said...

first off, thank you so much everyone for the kind words. it's one thing for me to have been able to grow as a person physically, mentally and emotionally, but to me its more important to do what i can to help other achieve the same growth forward. helping you all out is what i think im here to do, and i will always be there to do what i can to make you the best that you can be.

you guys said that im your hero, but heroes are only made b/c they are given the opportunity. you guys have always been my opportunity to do something good and im glad that i have been able to.

one of my goals that i always write down whenever i do a program with someone or start one with a group, is to have an effect on all of those taking part, and to help them see their potential when they cannot see it themselves. im glad you all finally see your potential.

ok so now to play catch up!!!

DAY 109 - Tuesday, April 1, 2008

ive been running on like no sleep b/c of essays and such so this will be sorta short. i did 20 minutes of cardio when i woke up. same old, just moderate pace. i did 15 minutes of BFL cardio, cutting out one cycle and let me tell you, the stairmaster is friggin hell for HIIT cardio!!!! that was by far the hardest BFL cardio circuit that ive ever had to do lol. i cant wait to do it again! lol.

on another note, great job girls with the workout! that is what i wanna see you guys do! everyone always thinks girls cannot show intensity (hence the lady saying i push you too hard), but they are just underestimating you! anyone can push forward if they have a destination! you guys know what you want, so keep asking yourself how much you are willing to put in to get it! great stuff!

meal 1 - BM burger, 1/2 cup brown rice

meal 2 - 2 x BM burger, 1/4 cup brown rice.

meal 3 - protein shake, tbsp PB

meal 4 - myoplex MRP (friggin first time in a long ass time that i missed a meal! damn mall!!!!!)

meal 5 (post workout) - 10 oz steak, potatoes, pita

meal 6 - protein shake, tbsp PB

Rob said...

DAY 110 - Wednesday, April 2, 2008

did not sleep at all last night so i didnt really have any energy to do morning cardio. did my upper body alone tonight as bas went early with mara and luis was sick. though i like having a spotter so i can try to push harder, working out alone allowed me to run through the routine in no time at all. it really is a trade off. ya u can push more weight with a partner, but alone, the intensity is killer if you dont allow yourself to rest much.

used DB for presses and hit the 90's w/o a spotter for my 6's. i think i need heavier dumbells lol. back was good today too! i was scared tha ti wouldnt be able to push as hard since my lower back was killing me, but it seems to disappear when i begin the workout lol. upped the weight to start with 45's this time. shoulders were alrite. lat raises with DB are great, but i think i wanna try something different to start. i finished with machine shoulder press and worked in with a kid who watched me stack the machine for my 12. his jaw dropped lol haha. tri's were alrite, dips werent as good this time but the view when i do close grip push ups get better with each workout. bi's were great! did teh usual alternating bi curls and hammer curls but used a different method for my concentric phase. i used explosive reps as if i was throwing hte DB at hte top of the rep out. i pretty much let go of my grip at the top of the rep. it was crazy intense! i think i will continue doing that since i had a crazy ass pump!

meal 1 - 1/4 cup brown rice, 8 oz ELGB

meal 2 - steak pita, WW, extra steak, L, T, O, cheese

meal 3 - cheese string, some pineapple, half protein bar

meal 4 - myoplex MRP

meal 5 (post workout) - 1/2 cup brown rice, 2 x BM burgers

meal 6 - protein bar

overall diet wasnt the greatest, but hthanx to mary, i got my meals in! thanx love!

Rob said...

last meal was a protein shake, not a bar. my bad!

Rob said...

DAY 111 - Thursday, April 3, 2008

b/c of skool and tons of work, today i took a well needed rest day. i will do my cardio on saturday instead of today.

meal 1 - 1/2 bagel, protein shake, chedder

meal 2 - 1/4 cup basmati, steak, brocolli

meal 3 - 1/4 cup basmati, chicken breast, brocolli

meal 4 - 6 inch roasted chicken sub on WW, double meat, L, T, O, pineapple

meal 5 - 1/4 cup brown rice, 8 oz lean ground pork, O, black bean sauce

meal 6 - 8 oz lean ground pork, O, black bean sauce, 2 x WW crackers, chedder

Anonymous said...

slacker! where are your posts!

Rob said...

DAY 115 - Monday, April 7, 2008

ok im gona start off by saying, i dont really post on weekends b/c i am busy doing other things so i get back to it on mondays. secondly, i will say that this week i may be slacking on posts b/c i really am trying to focus on finishing my essays due this week, workout, eat right, finish planning the cruise, organize job prospects, and bring my sick girlfriend to the doctor. therefore, i am running short on time.

mary said it takes 5 mintues to post, but for you who have read my posts, you know it takes more then 5 minutes lol. though she is right, i did spend time relaxing at montford for a couple of hours.

upperbody workout was really good today. did the usual, but fuckedup on rows as for some reason i was doing the wrong grip. chest was crazy pumped at the end fo the workout.

meal 1 - my meatloaf, brown rice

meal 2 - protein shake

meal 3 - timmies chicken club sandwich

meal 4 - same as 3

meal 5 (post) - steak, potatoes, pita

meal 6 - protein shake

abbreviated week lol.

Rob said...

DAY 116 - Tuesday, April 8, 2008

mom's bday! its 11pm almost and i still havent worked out. proly not gonna sleep all night b/c i have to work on myh essay some more. i will be doing my bfl cardio soon though. i will be honest and say that i am gonna try to take it a bit easy for 2 reasons, 1) i cant fall asleep tonite b/c i need to work more on my essay and 2) my back is still killing me. had to go to the doctor to get it checked out.

meal 1 - my meatloaf, brown rice

meal 2 - protein shake

meal 3 - 6 roasted chicken on WW, double meat and the rest of hte stuff.

meal 4 - steak, mushrooms, brown rice

meal 5 - same as 4

meal 6 - protein shake

Rob said...

ok im just posting to say that this week i will be back on track! i have no more essays but i am studying for exams. either way, i am able to keep up to date with everything. sorry to anyone (even tho no one does lol) who reads my posts lol.

jay said...

oh we read robert.
we read.

Rob said...

thanx brosef (kao)

DAY 122 - Monday, April 14, 2008

Today i got up and studied all day until 5:30 when my parents came home and it was too loud to study. then mary came over and mary, my bro and i went for a bike ride for an hour. after that i did a leg workout at my place. overall it was good, but i was missing some things that i usually incorporate in my routine at the gym. either way, i made due with what i had.

meal 1 - rob's meat-loaf (made with good ol ELGB lol), 1/8 cup of spinach couscous

meal 2 - 2 pieces of rob's meat loaf

meal 3- protein shake

meal 4 - 1 piece of meat loaf

meal 5 (post workout) - lean burger and turkey burger on white bun w/chedder and BM ketchup

meal 6 - 1 piece of meat loaf

after poo poo saturday (first cheat meal in a long time b/c of my mom's bday) i was happy to get back on track as easily as i did. no left over ice cream cake goes in this mouth, no chinese food... i'm back!!!!!

besdies, im sure this cheat meal will psych out my metabolism since it hasnt tasted good ol chinese food in a long long long time. lol

Rob said...

DAY 123 - Tuesday, April 15, 2008

spent all day in the library and went to work afterwards. after training mary i did bfl cardio on teh stepper until it broke and finished it off on the bike. sux b/c i kill myself on the stepper lol. overall it wasnt bad tho.

meal 1 - chicken club sandwich on WW, L, T, chedder

meal 2 - chicken jerkey

meal 3 - steak pita w/ L, T, O, M, light ranch, cheese

meal 4 - low carb protein bar

meal 5 - chicken jerkey

meal 6 (post workout)- steak, potatoes, pita

overall diet was good but i was sorta annoyed at myself after eating my post workout meal. i htink that from now on at montford, i will only get 1 carb dish. so i have to get a salad or veggies and i can get EITHER pita or potatoes. lets make this easier. I HAVE TO GET POTATOES AND SALAD/VEGGIES IF I EAT AT MONTFORD. b/c of my annoyance, i will be up tomorrow morning to do cardio b4 hitting the library. lol boo to me!

TenInchMan said...

You are too hard on yourself bro... Here, have a chocalate bar... lol. That there is dedication that I cannot understand. If you know what you want, and how to get it, then more power to ya!

Anonymous said...

so you feel bad eating pita AND the potatoe? So it should be one or the other then. Next time, now that I know, I'll stop you.

Hey if you are eating chocolate it better me fat free! And sugar free! And low carb!!

Does that even exist?

jay said...

where the heck is this montford place??

Rob said...

DAY 123 - Wednesday, April 16, 2008

today i did upper body with bas and as always, it was wicked. i have officially maxed out the stacks for my tricep exerceises that i usually do. i was pretty fried today. great workout!

i dont remember my meals today but they were good. it was a lower carb day so i had veggies and lean burger for 2 meals, 2 shakes, a bar and dont remember. sorry, studying and work fries the brains lol

Rob said...

DAY 125 - Thussday, April 17, 2008

today was cardio that i did in the morning which was general lower intensity cardio on the bike. i wanted to make sure that i had enough energy for our first practice! it went well! the vein club has come to the superfriends!!!!!lol

today was a higher carb day for energy with tomorrow going back to low carb. again, didnt write it down, but i will begin again tomorrow! sorry!

Rob said...

DAY 126 - Friday, April 18, 2008

today was supposed to be a weight day but instead we biked around milton for about an hour. wicked ride since the weather was gorgeous. i will be doing my leg workout tomorrow instead after or before our bike ride.

meal 1 - BM lean burger, 3 eggs.

meal 2 - 2 BM lean burger, salad.

meal 3 - 2 BM lean burger, salad

meal 4 - protein shake

meal 5 (post) - beef burrito on WW tortilla.

meal 6 - can of tuna (blah!)

today was a low carb day as you can tell. nothign fun, but i do enjoy the lean burger salads that i've been having! lol. anything to change it up i suppose. this week ive been craving alot. maybe its b/c of the stress of studying or b/c its been awhile since ive had some good cheats. but i think i should still hold off. 2 weeks till after pics!

Rob said...

DAY 129 - Monday, April 21, 2008

hello hello. this weekend was great exercise wise, but i really felt like i needed some cheat meals since i was low in energy, burnt out from essays and exams and tired as starting to crave like crazy. so saturday night i had a cheat meal and sunday post workout i had a cheat meal. other then that, we biked for 1 hour and 40 minutes and had 4 hours of baseball this weekend.

today was upperbody and b/c of my sunburn that is the worst that ive ever had, i was unable to do exercises lying down lol. i tried but almost dropped the 80's on my self lol. so i did variations of everything but using cables and dumbells and such. it was actually a really really good workout! also b/c i had no workout partner, i was able to minimize rest and bang it out quick times. also of interest, i love the vbar cable bicep curls. im able to really squeeze my bi's at the top without feeling like im trying to heave a weight up. also of interest, my vein from my forearm now VISIBLY goes up my bice and into my Tracy MacGrady lol. woohoo!

meal 1 - 10 oz steak, 1/4 cup brown rice

meal 2 - protein shake

meal 3 - chicken caesar salad, extra chicken

meal 4 - protein bar

meal 5 - 2 x chicken wraps at Swiss Chalet

meal 6 - 1 chicken breast

TenInchMan said...

Do you and Mary own shares in Swiss Chalet? lol

Good job with fitting shit in despite how busy you are.

Just an example of wanting it bad enough that you make things fit. No shit excuses of having no time. The excuse is not willing to make time lol...

Spoken like a true dick... or mitvational speaker.

Rob said...

DAY 130 - Tuesday, April 22, 2008

hahah thanx! ya im trying but it gets hard for sure!

today i was at skool at 730am, studied until 4pm for my exam, had my exam and then went to baseball practice till around 830. i am gonna make sure i do something physical each day but never miss my weight days during my exam period.

today i had practice for about an hour and a half.

meal 1 - chicken breast, 1/8 rice

meal 2 - protein shake

meal 3 - chicken caesar salad, extra chicken

meal 4 - protein shake

meal 5 (post) - steak pita, chicken pita wiht pineapple. L, T, in each.

jay said...

i hope your holding the fort down at SS while i'm gone because that's a hard task!! lol

good to read that your maintaining a extreme training routine even while your so busy..
a few more exams and your home free buddy!! forever!!

Rob said...

haha the fort has been held down lol hahah. and ya im trying to keep it up but damn there is alot to do. almost done!

DAY 131 - Wednesday, April 23, 2008

no exam today which allowed me more time to workout... but instead, i was at the library really early and studied until i had to work at night. frig! so i guess today was a rest day, but i will make sure i get 6 days, finding time on saturday to do something.

meal 1 - lean burger, 3 eggs

meal 2 - protein shake

meal 3 - protein shake

meal 4 - greek salad, w/ extra chicken

meal 5 - greek salad w/ extra chicken

meal 6 - lean burger, 2 chicken tenders. needed some carbs for my early morning the next day.

Rob said...

DAY 132 - Thursday, April 24, 2008

ok so today opened with me waking up at 3am to get to skool before 4am for my exam at 8am. i slept at 1:30 the previous night. i was very tired lol.

at night i did legs with mary and b/c we wanted to make it on time to practice, we chose harder exercises for quads and really pushed for calves to minimize time. really good workout tho! lunges make me wanna puke lol. soo good tho lol. had batting practice for about 2 to 3 hours afterwards. had more swings which was great.

had a high carb day for the first time this week b/c one, i needed my brain to function better for this exam, and 2, i was dead beat. i should have one or 2 a week and this was one for this week.

meal 1 - 1 slice of WW bread w/ PB and 1 slice FF cheese.

meal 2 - protein shake

meal 3 - chicken club sandwich at timmies

meal 4 - roasted chicken sub on WW, double meat. L, T, O.

meal 5 (post workout) - 2 pita sandwiches.

meal 6 - yogurt, protein shake

Anonymous said...

Yo Stephen!

when you gots time, can you send me your week water depletion as photoshoot is next week DUN DUN DUNNNN!!!

Rob said...

DAY 136 - Monday, April 28, 2008

hey joey, i'll post it in your blog lol.

woohoo one week till photoshoot! today was my last exam so iwas up really early. this week im starting my suka set with tweeking for specific body parts. it was fucking hard lol. hahaha. when i was doing bi's tho, things were looking god lol.

i also went to tan to get rid of my baseball sando tan line. it will be nice on saturday hopefully lol.

meal 1 - 1 slice WW bread, fat free cheese, protein shake

meal 2 - protein shake

meal 3 - chicken caesar salad with extra chicken

meal 4 - protein shake

meal 5 - caesar salad with 2 x BM burger

meal 6 (post) - protein shake, 1/2 cup mac n' cheese with tuna (yum carbs)

meal 7 - protein shake, 1 tbsp PB

Rob said...

DAY 137 - Tuesday, April 29, 2008

today i woke up and did 45 minutes of moderate cardio on the bike. i also did 30 minutes of moderate cardio on the bike when i got home from work. that is pretty much it lol. it was good to get dual cardio sessions in again and this week hopefully it pays off.

meal 1 - BM burger, 2 eggs, 1/4 cup brown rice

meal 2 - protein shake

meal 3 - caesar salad with 2 x BM burgers

meal 4 - protein shake

meal 5 - chicken salad with extra chicken

meal 6 (post-cardio) - BM burger, 2 eggs, 1/4 cup brown rice

meal 7 - protein shake, tbsp PB

jay said...

2 more days.. work it work it!!!

and i read eddies post. why would you want to have decreased water intake on certain days?

Rob said...

you wanna decrease water intake leading up to a shoot b/c water stores as edema as well which is water b/w the skin and muscle. ie it looks like fat, less vascularity, less definition. when you eat the jam/sugar during your pump up or the day before, the carbs push the remaining water in your body (other then what is needed for function) into your muscle cells and away from the skin so you look tighter and bigger. 1 gram of carbs hold 3 grams of water, so pump up with quick carbs like sugar equals good water in the muscles!

Rob said...

DAY 138 - Wednesday, April 30, 2008

did the second day of suka sets today and with lower water amounts and really low carb, its friggin hard. i was dying, as in dragging around, sitting b/w sets friggin all out dying lol hahaha. hard, but hopefully it'll pay off.

meal 1 - 1 BM burger, 2 eggs, 1/8 brown rice

meal 2 - 2 BM burger, salad

meal 3 - protein shake

meal 4 - steak, chicken, salad

meal 5 (post workout) - booster juice w/ protein

meal 6 - protein shake

meal 7 - 2 x chicken breast

water was low today, with most of it coming during my workout. we'll see how tomorrow goes now lol.

Rob said...

DAY 139 - Thursday, May 1, 2008

today i did a little circuit in the packed ass gym while ppl kept walking in my way and taking my machines and space lol. i skipped for a minute, and during the next minute, did 12 pushups and abs exercises for the remainder of the minute. after ppl kept getting in my way when doing pushups, i did the chest press machine. then when some geezer lady took that i did dips for awhile. overall the circuit lasted about 30 minutes. it was a good workout tho.

i cut out alot of the shakes today b/c i didnt wanna get lots of fluid in. made getting meals hard lol.

meal 1 - BM burger, 3 eggs.

meal 2 - 2 x BM burgers in salad

meal 3 - 1 can of tuna, tbsp PB

meal 4 - 1 chicken breast

meal 5 - 2 x BM burger in salad

i must say that i was thirsty all day. i cant wait for tomorrow to be over so i can drink some water lol. hahah.

Rob said...

DAY 158 - Tuesday, May 20, 2008

good to be back! did 30 minutes of cardio when i woke up. i then did a full body workout wiht jay which was pretty damn tough! i was quite impressed with my weights i did today. went up to 2 plates and a 10 on bench, and 2 plates for shoulder press. good stuff!

dont remember my meals for today but i did really well other then the wings i had after the game to celebrate my 2 GRANDSLAMS AT BRICKYARD!

i'll be on it tomorrow!

Rob said...

DAY 159 - Wednesday, May 21, 2008

today i took a day off from working out as im trying to get back in gradually.

meal 1 - protein shake, 1 slice MG toast, PB

meal 2 - 10 oz steak, potato, salad

meal 3 - steak pita, double meat, L, O, M, T, a bit of ranch.

meal 4 - protein shake

meal 5 - 2 x chicken breast, 1/4 cup rice

today was hard to get meals in b/c im trying to adjust to my work schedule. once i get a grasp of things, im sure it'll be easy to get everything back on track!

i also saw my workmate who lost some crazy fat since i saw him last. im gonna talk with him about a diet plan. i also may be going to see a dietitian to get a diet plan if i can find a good one since work covers it. woohoo to benefits!

Rob said...

i just wanna commend those who have held down the fort while the majority of this board was away on the cruise!

Keep up the good work guys!

jay said...

your welcome!! haha jk jk

working with action is like curt angle's three I's with an A

good to have you back.
no h

post new goals everyone

Rob said...

DAY 164 - Monday, May 26, 2008

ok last week was sorta pieced together b/c of the shortened week and b/c i wasnt sure what the routine i would be folowing was. also, i was trying to enjoy a bit more before starting work full out so diet was off. today was a new start to a new week and it went well. i did a full body workout wiht jay and it was really good. tried some new exercises out which is always fun. i think i need to really focus my routine on intensity so next week, i will work out a new routine for a 4 week trial.

meal 1 - protein shake, apple

meal 2 - chicken caesar wrap on WW (double meat), L, T, O.

meal 3 - protein bar

meal 4 (post workout) - steak teriyaki wrap double meat, rice, O, P, M, L, T.

meal 5 - lean burger

meal 6 - protein shake

im gonna need this week to workout my new goals and a new routine. so i will have it posted on sunday!

Rob said...

DAY 171 - Monday, June 2, 2008

ok so here are a few goals of mine for this new "phase".

1) post every day... no exceptions. it sorta makes me sick that the past few posts have been so few and far between. i also know that b/c i havent been posting, i have been straying off of diet.

2) workout with weights 3 times per week. my days can be long so i wanna commit to 3 full body, high intensity routines per week. essentially it'll be 12/10/6/12 + /12 (superset) for every body major body part.

3) cardio 5 days per week and 2 a days on 2 of those days. i know cardio has been lacking so i feel that for this new fat loss oriented phase, i need to up it.

4) abs on cardio days. simple, ive slacked on them.

5) weigh 220 lbs for atlantic city. its a bit hard b/c im alot broader then i was in the past b/c of my muscle gain, but id like to weigh in at around 220 lbs max.

6) size 34 pants, but 36 regularly by atlantic city.

to do this i will be eating 3 full meals a day and 3 shakes. i find that b/c my day can be very random, i need to make sure that i have shakes accesible all the time.

so today was day one i suppose, of this 'new' phase for me. i tried to do a modified body for life routine that would allow us to train full body instead of upper or lower seperately. i found that we were able to do some good weight and the quick shifts and the superset upped the intensity big time. for most of hte exercises, i will including compound movements that hit alot of the muscles that i will not be training seperately like traps. both shoulder exercises and my back exercises hit the traps tremendously while hitting the target muscle group. i think i will enjoy this routine. i wanna make sure i do some sort of cardio after my weights tho. i will try to start implementing that after my choda heals lol hahah.

meal 1 - protein shake, 1 slice WW toast, fat free cheese

meal 2 - apple, protein shake

meal 3 - 6 inch roasted chicken, double meat, WW,L, T, O, marinara

meal 4 - protein shake, apple

meal 5 (post workout)- 6 inch roasted chicken, double meat, white bread, L, T, O, marinara

meal 6 - ground beef, a bit of pasta

Rob said...

DAY 172 - Tuesday, June 3, 2008

today i did some short cardio. not as much as i would have liked to, but it was better then nothing. i find that im still trying to workout how my job, workouts, and social life will fit in together, so hopefully i get that organized asap.

meal 1 - WW toast, protein shake

meal 2 - protein shake (berry booster juice)

meal 3 - 2 x chicken sticks, 1/2 cup brown rice

meal 4 - protein shake

meal 5 - wings (fuck shit!)

meal 6 - protein shake

Rob said...

DAY 173 - Wednesday, June 4, 2008

did 25 minutes of eliptical cardio on the bike this morning at 7 am, followed by an ab circuit, and 10 more minutes of cardio on the bike. at night i did a full body intensity weight routine and it was amazing!

meal 1 - 1/2 bagel, 1/2 shake

meal 2 - tuna salad wrap

meal 3 - pear, 1/2 shake

meal 4 - 11 oz steak, veggies, 1/2 cup brown rice

meal 5 (post workout) - tuckers marketplace for jay's bday! (fuck shit! lol)

way too many fuck shit's lol. 1 bad meal per day is not good at all lol. i really need to fix this mindset!

jay said...

fuck shits?!!!!

i'm sorry buddy.. bad influence..

no more fuck shits.. fuck shits = scandal (see mary!! haha)

these new routines are great!

when we actually have enough time i think doing legs too will be crazy!!