Sunday, December 16, 2007

EMIL'S diet and workout log

This is my journal regarding my daily diet regimen as well as my training routine.


Anonymous said...

I just wanted to drop my first log to get my logs dropping on a regular. I eat fibre for a reason.

So, my diet is first.

I regularly eat 6 times a day:


That is my weekday eating schedule. It works well with my breaks and such. I find eating on a schedule harder on the weekends where my schedule isn't as defined.

Lately, I have only been doing cardio because my left shoulder (rotater cuff) has been really bothering me lately. I have to work on rehabilitating that so that I can feel comfortable doing weights again.

I'll keep you up on this.

Rob said...

dude we need some better food at home lol. i totally agree with you that weekends at home are way too hard to stay on diet lol. good stuff with getting back into it!

i know you can do it dude!

TenInchMan said...

Sooooo... Diet was shit, but did like 2 hours of shovelling lol. Not only that, Rob and I pushed no less than 4 cars that got stuck on our street. We pushed them about 50 yards to Hepburn since our road wasn't plowed at all.

Then there was the Tracy fiasco.

She decided to drive home through the snow that was as high as the lower end of her car lol. She couldn't get the car to Thompson, so I drove her car there while Rob and our 2 neighbours pushed to Hepburn. Then Tracy got stuck at teh intersection of Hepburn and Thompson. So as people were waiting behind and in front (to turn left) of her, she got stuck again lol. So, in slow motion, like a good action movie, I run into the intersection right into teh back of her car; smack against it, and start pushing. Her car moves forward and I fall - in the middle of the intersection, and she's off! lol. Then I got to walk al the way home through knee deep snow!... Great excercise lol.

Rob said...


TenInchMan said...

So last night I went snowboarding. And I haven't had a cardio workout while snowboarding in a long time. Let me explain: I went with 2 co-workers to teach them how to snowboard. That meant spending the evening on the bunny hills... So, there was very much skating with my board; standing on the magic carpet - which burns the quads; holding onto the t-bar - upper body and core for stabilization; board climbing up hill - quads and glutes; and tons of edging down the hill - glutes, quads and calves. It was a fun way to get a little bit of excercise.

Who's up for the bunny hill?

jay said...

only burns for you buddy!! haha

Anonymous said...

I'm up for the bunnyhill when we go to blue in feb! :)

Rob said...

that's a shit workout.... like conrad's perhaps lol

TenInchMan said...

I didn't go to workout. Feeling like a I got a little bit of a cardio workout is a side effect of that particular trip... jerks lol.

Anonymous said...

Im more like a cylinder then circle...

Hey i went up the stairs on my way to bed lastnite does that count as cardio?

Rob said...

haha by my bro's standards i suppose lol hahahh.

hey come on, lets get some workouts and proper eating going, you!

no more making fun, make exercise lol hahah. that is great engrish!

jay said...

is that a racist comment?

Rob said...

hahah probably! lol. i think that my brother is the official shit disturber of this board, assisted by his engineer in life (no homo... or maybe homo) Kid_jayj lol. hahah

im just there to pee on the fire lol.

TenInchMan said...

So, I haven't posted in a while because... well... there hasn't been much to post about. Diet has been shitty and I have been totally inactive (IRL). I have saved many innocent citizens, but I don't suppose that counts.

I don't see this changing until the new year. I have to find my happy thought again...

Rob said...

you can do it! you always start off really really strong, and its just a matter of finding that groove again. you can do it!

jay said...

new year, new commitment to the gym??

TenInchMan said...

Alright, a little talk with Rob; a little stepping ont eh scale and I am ready to go again.

So I am rededicating myself to become more physically fit for the cruise. I don't have a numerical goal ironed out yet for a couple of reasons.

I did not take any body fat percentage measurements so I do not know what my "BF%" is, nor do I trust the site we had been using for more than justa reference tool. I spoke to my bro about a routine that may be easier on my shoulder since some of you may know that it has been bothering me. I keep falling on it awkwardly during snowboarding lol. So I will be doing the Core Secrets 3 times a week and cardio another 3 times a week (This is essentially the Core secrets plan). This should hopefully be low impact on my shoulder as I work on rehabilitating the shit out of it. I will do this for a couple of months before hopefully being able to move onto a more hardcore weight program in March.

I currently weigh in at 225 lbs and am hoping to get down to 215 lbs by March. Since I am going light on the weight training and heavier on the cardio, I am hoping this is possible.

Hey Gayface, let me know if this is unrealistic lol.

Rob said...

ya that's a really good plan. the core secrets routine is quite good for strengthening the stablizer muscles and keeping your body toight. add that with cardio 3 times a week and you have a routine that will put minimal strain on your joints while still giving you a great workout.

Anonymous said...

don't you want to try circuit with us one day?

Rob said...

if there is no activity or u do not tell me you will be using the log by March 21, i will be taking you off to keep the site active. thanx!

TenInchMan said...

Alright, my last attempt to become more physically active and stalled before I started. I had trouble getting myself motivated.

Now, I wouldn't say that I anything in particular motivated me other than just wanting to start up again for general fitness. I have no specific goals aside from getting into better physical condition. I want to look and feel better.

This is a baby step in comparison to what other people are doing, and I know this. The reason I have lower goals than others is really simple. I had taken the time to think about what my different goals could be, and then the amount of work that would be required to achieve said goals, and just how drastic a change I would have to make in order to do this. Keeping all of these things in mind, I set a realistic goal and plan which I feel I will be able to maintain for more than just a short while.

I had spoken with my brother about this alot, and this is one of the big stumbling blocks that many of us run into. We set these huge goals for ourselves, and make the appropriate changes to achieve said goals. However, the thing is we are not ready to maintain the lifestyle required to reach these lofty goals - not yet at least. Getting into great physical shape is a long process that cannot be achieved in a long lasting manner via super drastic changes. I think the changes we make to our lifestyles have to be gradual in order for them to truly become part of our daily habits.

This is what I am going for. I hope that those who have lost their drive see this and can use this as a template for how they have to make changes in their lives to eventually get what they want.

I am sticking to the Core Secrets routine. I will let you all know how it goes.

TenInchMan said...

I started last week with very little hoopla and with as few people knowing as possible. It wasn't cuz I didn't want people to know, but that I wasn't doing it for anyone else.

However, I am posting cause reading my story may help renew the drive of other people who have stumbled.

The VERY FIRST DAY I did the core secrets excercises (using a stabilization ball for those who don't know) my dad made fun of me... Asshole lol. He did his 20 minutes walking/walking on the treadmill, then walked over to the TV where I was following Gunnar Peterson through different excercises, looked at the tv, then snickered. I thought to myself, "What an asshole!". It made me mad, and I felt a little embarrassed about doing this particular routine. But, it did something else, it kinda lit a fire under my ass, making me then think, "We'll see who's snickering later..."

It made me think of other occassions when I may have been ridiculed for my attempts at physical fitness. I get made fun of all the time about my arms. When I used to workout at the gym, it was always a little bit of a sore point - working my arms out because of the way I get teased about them. Doing it when we hang out is one thing. Doing it in the gym just makes me want to stop working out. Aside: I understand that as friends we tease each other about things and mean them in jest, but at other times, this can be detrimental to one another's physical development, and can hinder progress rather than motivate.

We need to be more selective about how we say things and when because of the effects they can have. If teasing motivates people, that is ok. But please try to recognize if it is actually hurting the person, and change your actions. We are friends after all, and should want one another to succeed. That is, after all, the point of this message board.

Aside from the making fun of incident with my dad, I have felt much better since I had started working out again. It is as much mental as it is physical. Knowing that I am doing something about my fitness - not solely to look good, but to be in better physical condition for myself has made me feel better.

My diet, through my period of inactivity hasn't deteriorated too much. I have maintained eating at least 4 meals a day. I tried to skip fast food for lunches, instead opting for sandwiches with whole grain bread. In general, I have avoided overeating in single sittings, and haven't eaten too many meals that were composed of unhealthy food.

I think that this puts me in a decent starting point. Because I have maintained decent eating habits despite being inactive, that is one less thing that I have to incorporate into my healthier lifestyle. In fact, that would probably have been my first "baby" step in that my diet was the first thing to really change, and to be incorporated into my lifestyle. My next step is a regular regiment of physical activity. In no way is it what many of you are doing, but it is enough for me to be my second step in the gradual changes I am making (see my above post). Once working out regularly is, in fact, regular, then I will re-evaluate where I am physically at that point, and decide then if I want to go further.

Anonymous said...

Honestly this is the best mentatily to have. I know what its like to put all your energy into something right away and then fall off so quickly. When I started working full time, I dropped the gym completely. I just told my self I had no time. I took me while to get back into it and make a LIFESTYLE change. I think it took me a few years to figure it all out. Today I know what I want and what I need to do. And i've found a balance with work, eating well and working out!

BTW boo to you for using the core secrets ball. I saw it yesterday and wanted to ask Rob if i could have it lol. My ball sucks, when I sit on it my ass in on the floor.

OH, and if you feel to need to cook well, invite me over please! ROB never cooks for me!

TenInchMan said...

LOL. You are always welcome to eat whenever I cook. I cook for Tracy whenever I do cook. Making a little bit more is not a problem. And sorry about using the ball... but the light strength training in Core Secrets is something I feel that I can do without too much fear of aggravating my shoulder (for those who don't know, I have a really bad shoulder from diving for a bacll in softball and landing awkwardly - I made the catch btw lol). To be completely honest, I would prefer to do a heavier weight routine, if even BFL, but the pain in my shoulder with some movements is forcing me to rehabilitate my shoulder properly before doing anything more.

sidenote: I actually talked to Rob about how I am already upping the intensity of the Core Secrets routine because I don't feel the same soreness the next day as I am used to when I worked out before. I understand that it is more of an aerobic routine, and that I won't have the same muscle soreness, and I am ok with that. I just need more signals from my body telling me that it is working lol.

jay said...

hey buddy!! it's great to see that you are willing to make the lifestlye change. Not only is it very uplifting to see you want to do it but also REALIZING that it takes more than just saying i want to do it! And starting with the core secrets is a great way of getting back into it. You can't just binge exercise (as i like to call it) with sporatic working out, but a gradual progression just like you are doing. I hope that you are able to keep it up and get TOOOIIGHT!!

And in no time, your arms will be as HUDDDGE as mine!! lol haha..

Another thing, i know its kinda upsetting when you get those discouraging words esp from your parents who are supposed to motivate you.. but i like your mentatiliy. Show them what you can do!!! This will hopefully in the end motivate them to work even harder at maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

TenInchMan said...

So I did the advanced workout tonight, and it is much better. I am feeling it in my abs - which is the main target of this routine. i like it. There were some ab excercises that I struggled to do. So I now have a goal of being able to do those excercises.

Rob said...

im really really happy that you have not only adopted this mentality, but have put it into action. everyone of us tell ourselves that we wil do something, but doing it is where the problem is. you have a good head on your shoulders and you know what you need to do to eventually get to where you want to be. no delusions, no lies, no false hopes.

and you are right, it takes time. jay and i have been working out for almost 9 years and we're just getting the gist of it now. it takes experimentation, the willingness to learn, a strong drive, and faith in yourself that you can do it. if you keep this attitude up, you can achieve your health goals!

and about dad, don't worry... WE'LL show him.

TenInchMan said...

So yesterday's recap:


8:45 - Peanut Butter on Whole Grain Bread (2 slices)
12pm - Half of Roast Chicken Sub Whole Wheat, Greek Salad
4:00 - Half of Roast Chicken Sub Whole Wheat
9:00 - Lean Burger on toasted ciabatta bread (Thanks Bas), boiled vegetables with cottage cheese
12:00 - 2 boiled eggs (eat your heart out Mary)

So 5 meals yesterday. My diet is not going to be as rigourous as other peoples' because my goals aren't as lofty, nor am I ready to make such a drastic change. However, as you can see, they are relatively clean, if not a little higher on carbs than others.

I did 25 minutes of cardio yesterday.

I only did bike cardio, which I consider soft since it doesn't challenge me as much as running on the treadmill does. The reason I opted for the bike was that my legs were actually sore from core secrets - damn you accelerated training! Not to mention that my abs are still sore today. My body always requires extra recovery time when I begin a routine. However, a couple of weeks in, and it should recover as quickly as ever.

Anonymous said...

EXCUSE ME, my grandmother (aka Betty) makes me a boiled egg every morning so I can eat it with my bagel. So eat YOUR heart out! I didn't even have to boil them myself!!! LOL

TenInchMan said...

I had 4 boiled eggs today lol

Rob said...

hey dude, great stuff with the diet! honestly, the meals that you posted last would be perfect for a regular fat loss/muscle gain diet. about equal carbs and protein, lower fat other then 1st and last meals of the day. good stuff dude! glad to hear taht the advanced routine is working better for you!

TenInchMan said...

So the diet was as follows for April 2 2008:

Meal 1: 2 hard boiled eggs, PB on 2 slices whole grain toast
Meal 2: 1 hard boiled egg and mixed vegetables (boiled)
Meal 3: 2 pieces of beefsteak, asparagus and 3 fingerling potatoes
Meal 4: 1 hard boiled egg ad mixed vegetables
Meal 5 (post workout): 2 chicken leg & thighs, 3/4 cup of white rice and vegetables.
Meal 6: protein shake

Excercise: 25 minute full body Core Secrets routine.

I was only able to do the 45 minute routine this time because my body was still sore. Somehow, my thighs and hip flexors were sore and tight from Monday's workout, as were my abs. I could barely do the ab portions of the 25 minute workout lol. As I stated in a prior post, it will take some time before my body gets used to recovering quickly again. I am pretty happy with my diet. I know my breakfast was higher in fat again because of the PB, but I cut down the carbs for my vegetables meals, which I am happy about. I even stayed away from the deep fired Chinese food my mom brought home from work. I feel very good about that.

Rob said...

good stuff man! ya the diet is looking really good! if you cant get some meat during the day, eggs are great! soo good stuff overall!

Anonymous said...

thats a lot of boiled eggs :O
when are you making a healthy dinner next for tracy? can I come over?

teepee81 said...

Emil said he'll make black bean ground pork. He's going to take the recipe for cantoneese lobster but minus the lobster....mmmm it's so good (but salty).

Mary, I'll let you know when Emil's making a healthy dinner.

TenInchMan said...

SO I made the ground pork... it is so good. So come over when you want lol.

Meal 1: Bagel BELT - bacon egg lettuce tomato
Meal 2: steak and cheese sandwich and house salad
Meal 3: beef jerky
Meal 4: Lean ground pork with 1/3 cup of rice
Meal 5: Lean ground pork with 1/2 cup of rice.

I was on site today, so found it hard to get the required meals in, or healthy ones at that. I ate at 7 in the morning, then ate again at noon. I was starving. Then my last meal of the day was at 9, and the half cup of rice and ground pork ended up really filling me up. I guess I put too much meat lol.

I did 25 minutes of bike cardio.

It was an alright day, but the meals really threw me off.

Anonymous said...

I'm coming over tonight after vball. I'm going to sleep over I think so feel free to cook on Sat :D

your meals sounds yummy!

TenInchMan said...

Over the weekend I didn't workout. I was too tired from all the home renovation stuff I did. I installed doors in my wardrobe, closet organizers and a load of new shelves over the course of 2 days, after spending several hours at Ikea and Home Depot, respectively.

My meals were ok, getting at least 5 in each day.


Breakfast (not so good): Bacon and eggs and rice
Meal 2: smoked salmon and baked salmon with brown rice at Ikea
Meal 3: Baked chicken and shrimp rice
Meal 4: Baked chicken and shrimp rice
Meal 5: Shrimp Rice and ground pork


Meal 1: Shrimp Rice
Meal 2: Shrimp Rice and chicken
Meal 3: Shrimp Rice and Ground Pork
Meal 4: 2 Boiled Eggs
Meal 5: Meatloaf and brown rice

Overall, not a super clean diet over the weekend, but not bad either.

Yesterday, I did 25 minutes of bike cardio - I wasnt feeling too well, and ate the following:

Meal 1: Meatloaf and 1/4 cup brown rice
Meal 2: Meatloaf and 1/4 cup brown rice
Meal 3: Meatloaf and 2 slices WW bread
Meal 4: 2 lean burgers and 4 slices WW bread, with salad

Overall, not a great 3 days, but it could have been worse. I was definitely tempted to eat worse food, but didn't.

Anonymous said...

wow thats a lot of shrimp rice lol

TenInchMan said...

So, I wasn't feeling all that great yesterday, and didn't work out. However, I will make that up this weekend.

My meals were ok, but I only got 4 in. They were as follows;

Meal 1: PB and 2 slices WW toast
Meal 2: Pho soup
Meal 3: Tuna and boiled vegetables
Meal 4: steak and brown rice

I am feeling better today, and will do better,

teepee81 said...

would Pho be considered a cheat meal? b/c I've been craving pho. Not as much as I'm craving an apple pie with ice cream, but I wouldn't mind eating pho.
let me know if it's a cheat meal :P

teepee81 said...

would Pho be considered a cheat meal? b/c I've been craving pho. Not as much as I'm craving an apple pie with ice cream, but I wouldn't mind eating pho.
let me know if it's a cheat meal :P

jay said...

i don't think so.
live a little yo!!
its only chicken stock, noodles, and beef. Not something i'd call high fat cheat.

Just avoid the fried spring rolls..!

TenInchMan said...


Meal 1: PB on 2 slices WW toast
Meal 2: Tuna, fat free miracle whip on WW bread
Snack: Roasted unsalted peanuts
Meal 4: Steak and mushrooms and rice
Meal 5: Oxtail and rice

Anonymous said...


TenInchMan said...

Your face is gross...

no really...


teepee81 said...

mmmm oxtail

TenInchMan said...

Ihad a work event yesterday. We went bowling. I didn't eat anything at the alley, but I did have some beer. I didn't work out yesterday.


Meal 1: PB on WW bread
Meal 2: 2 chicken cutlets, asparagus, brussel sprouts and potatoes
Meal 3: roasted unsalted peanuts
Meal 4: 2 pork chops and boiled corn
Meal 5: 1/2 pork chop and boiled corn

teepee81 said...

does beer count as a cheat meal?

Anonymous said...

you're face is grosser!

TenInchMan said...

You're grossest!

Ok so the weekend went something like this: Friday I went bike shopping and the meals were really spread out. I didn't have time to workout.


Meal 1: PB 2 slices WW bread
Meal 2: Philly cheeesteak with salad from East Side Marios
Meal 3: some vegetables with no fat cottage cheese
Meal 4: Pork burrito

Saturday was my mom's birthday get together, preceeded by the cruise get together. Again, workouts were a no go as we were busy getting things ready for my mom. Food was bad too. Just wait and see..

Meal 1: omellette, chicken leg and thigh, rice
Meal 2: chicken finger sections, meatballs, fruits
Meal 3: cantonese chow mein, chicken wings, beer with tofu

Sunday, I biked in the morning for 20 minutes, then biked in the evening for 30 minutes. I must say that I enjoyed biking, except for the seat in my bum. My ass is sore this morning.


Meal 1: Crackers
Meal 2: Double leg meal with rice and diet pepsi at Swiss Chalet
Meal 3: crakcers and cheese
Meal 4: 2 lean burgers with whole wheat buns and baked sweet potatoes

I am going to have to be more vigilant about making sure i get enough meals in. I think that last week, I was feeling tired after work, which in turn made me lazy and not want to work out. I have to get my 4 pm meal in at the very least to keep my energy up for training.

Rob said...

good stuff with finding out what you need to do to keep motivated and keep the energy up. i think biking is also gonna be good to give us some other options for cardio! wicked job with the ride today. your endurance has gone way up in just 2 days!

TenInchMan said...

Food for April 14:

Meal 1: PB and 2 slices WW toast
Meal 2: meatloaf w/ caesar salad, asparagus and carrots
Meal 3: meatloaf w/ asparagus and carrots
Meal 4 (post cardio): 2 lean burgers on buns
Meal 5: protein shake and tbsp of PB

Workout: I biked for about 50 minutes. It felt good. I am enjoying biking so far, and am planning on doing it frequently with a goal in mind. I want to increase my endurance, and distnace I can ride for the Ride for Heart. went from about 5km to about 7 km in a day lol. I have a ways to go lol.

Anonymous said...

Good job with the biking! I'm impressed! We did the ride and only stopped twice (and not for very long!). So we are making good progress! I'm still slower then you two..

TenInchMan said...

Yeah but I tire more quickly going faster than you. Plus, you don't use the geears to your advantage yet.

teepee81 said...

I probably haven't said this enough (or at all) but I'm really happy that you're making an effort to work out. AND I'm really happy that you like biking, b/c I don't mind biking...which we could do a couple. It can be so romantic...we can have picnics... with Rob and Mary :D
Mary, the guys can carry the food while we carry something small like blankets or something like that
i love the idea!
wait, mary did you come up with this idea? it seems i've heard this before :P

Anyhow, Emil good work! I'll buy us new seats for our bikes so we can ride longer distances. Maybe we can ride from Milton to Mississauga & back.

Rob said...

friggin picnics...

TenInchMan said...

Here are my meals for yesterday:

Meal 1: PB on 2 slices WW toast
Meal 2: Pho
Meal 3: salad and cottage cheese
Meal 4: chicken fingers (8) and boiled vegetables
Meal 5: chicken fingers (5) and boiled vegetables

Yesterday I did the 45 minute Accelerated Core training workout. I am not as sore today as I was the day after the last time i did the accelerated workout (?). I feel good, if not a little bit sore and tired. I am thinking of biking today after work. Who's down?

Anonymous said...

I really have to start learning about the gears. I tend to stay on Number 5 the ENTIRE ride. So maybe thats why I tire so quickly? Its just that none of the other gears feel comfortable esp the lower ones. I pedal and pedal and don't feel like i'm going anywhere.

I'm very impressed with your biking! In 2 or 3 tries on the bike, you've made it to almost 1 full hour of biking (with your smoke break lol). So congrats!

Anyways, I'd like to get faster though, to keep up with you and Rob. Otherwise I just feel like you guys are just waiting for me. And then I feel like i'm always last biking alone :S

Anonymous said...

Oh yea one more thing, forgot to reply to Tracy's msg.

I'm so down for biking and a picnic!!! ROMANTIC!!!!!!!!!!

jay said...

can i come too???

who does picnics still?

teepee81 said...

Mary, i'll bike with you. I'm used to being in the back of the pack (from running). Just go your own pace, but once you get used to the gears, then I'm sure you'll be able to keep up with the guys.

and yes, Jay, you can come to the picnic too...the more the merrier.

TenInchMan said...


Meals from yesterday are as such:

Meal 1: PB and 2 slices WW toast
Meal 2: 2/3 of 12" Subway Club
Meal 3: 1/3 of 12" SUbway Club
Meal 4: beef pie (I know I know lol) and 2 lean burgers on WW toast
Meal 5: Protein shake

Excercise: 40 minutes of biking. It was good. We went about the same distance that we had gone on Monday, but did it in less time. I was able to go faster for longer before tiring. So I am seeing an immediate improvement.

teepee81 said...

Good Job! i can't wait to go biking tomorrow.
and if it's just the two of us, ooo can we finish by the pond just before the sunsets??? it'll be so romantic :)

Anonymous said...

Sorry tracy, if my leg is good to go i'm crashing to romantic party hahaah

i want to go biking too!!!

TenInchMan said...

Thrusday, April 17


Meal 1: PB and 2 slices WW toast
Meal 2: pork roast, potatoes (2 small), brussel sprouts
Meal 3: pre-made italian sandwich from Longo's (prosciutto, bocconcini, green peppers, lettuce on some type of white bun)
Meal 4: 2 chicken shwarmas at Montfort's

Overall, the food was pretty good, but I did not get enough meals in.


3 hours of baseball practice = sore shoulders, sides and hip flexors the next day. I may take it easy today with some light cardio if anything. I have done 5 days straight already this week. We'll see.

teepee81 said...

Friday April 18 Meals:

Meal 1: non fat cottage cheese and 1 1/2 pears (other one fell on the floor before i could finish it lol)
Meal 2: Pork Burrito
Meal 3: salad and low fat dressing
Meal 4: pork burrito with double meat

Excercise: 5km 40 minute bike ride

TenInchMan said...

that last commetn was acutally me

TenInchMan said...

The weekend duh duh duh....

Saturday Meals:

Meal 1: 2 waffles and syrup
Meal 2: double leg and rice at Swiss Chalet
Meal 3: Corned Beef (deli meat you losers) sandwish and a lean burger
Meal 4: Potato Skins and beer (fight night)
Meal 5: Corned Beef Sandwich

Saturday Excercise: We biked for 22km! That is quite an increase from the 5-7km we had been doing. It was hard during some parts due to the strong headwind, but I enjoyed the entire ride. It was nice to see some of the shops along Main St. I look forward to continual improvement.

Sunday meals:

Meal 1: Omellette and 2 slices WW toast
Meal 2: half chicken with 1/2 baked loaded baked potato, mashed potato and a cornbread with potato skins to start
Meal 3: steak, mushrooms and 2 slices ww bread

Excercise consisted of 4 hours of softball practice. On a side note, I hit the fence, making my goal of 0 homeruns more of a reality lol. Meals were crap yesterday because we spent so much time at practice and away from any easy source of food. But practice was pretty good.

Anonymous said...

I'm very impressed with your biking, i can tell we're gettiing a lot better. I didn't even realize that we went from 7km to 22km! Though I admit riding against the wind totally knocked me out.

TenInchMan said...

And I with yours Mary... awwww... hugs! lol gay

Meals for Monday:

Meal 1: 2 yogourts, and a banana
Meal 2: prosciutto sandwich on multigrain bread with monterey jack cheese and salad
Meal 3: roasted unsalted peanuts and carrot sticks
Meal 4: steak on 2 slices WW bread
Meal 5: lightly fried then baked chicken breast with mushrooms, onions, asparagus, and home maide gravy with brown rice

No Excercise today. I took a day off. ON the up and up, I saved Paragon City from certain doom and dinged 50 in the process! Yay me!

Anonymous said...

And I with yours? What the heck does that mean? Nerrrrrrrrrrrrd

u made dinner?? why didn't u invite me over!!!!

TenInchMan said...

It was unplanned and last minute.
Tracy Luis and I are biking tonight I think. Wanna join us?

Meals for April 22:

Meal 1: corned beef sandwich
Meal 2: Chicken breast and asparagus
Meal 3: Roasted unsalted peanuts
Meal 4: 1/2 12" roasted chicken sub
Meal 5: 2 chicken shwarmas

Excercise: 3 hours of baseball practice. The practice went well with a largest turnout so far this year. I cracked my first homer in practice which I didn't do in any practices last year. Still on track for my goal of 0 home runs lol.

jay said...

you know its refreshing to read how your revitalized and keeping a hard working and extremely positive attitude towards your goals in getting healthy and fit with your impressive diet and biking (now).

soon you will be as great as a ball player as me!! haha jk jk..
how many ppl showed up?

TenInchMan said...

We had 11 ppeps! It was good.

Meals for April 24:

Meal 1: Corned beef sandwich on multigrain bread
Meal 2: Pho
Meal 3: philly cheesesteak pita
Meal 4: pb and crackers

No excercises yesterday as I spent the daylight shopping at National. Lots of good deals, and I bought me a bat. Damn sexay!

Anonymous said...

Not as sexy as your do-rag

TenInchMan said...

Did'ya read that Rob? She said I'm sexay!

TenInchMan said...

Yesterday, I ate:

Meal 1: corned beef sandwich with cheese
Meal 2: tuna salad sandwich and salad
Meal 3: prosciutto and cheese on whole grain bread
Meal 4: 2 chicken shwarmas

Excercise: 2 hours of batting practice

I only got 4 meals in because of softball practice. Softball practice isn't really a great excercise, but on a day when I devote that much time to it, it counts for something.

Rob said...

great stuff dude! ive been out of commission from reading others' posts for 2 weeks now but its great to see that you are keeping up with it.

baseball practice is really hard. we devote so much time to it that we are sure to miss a meal or even 2 sometimes. and as a workout its alrite, but not great. its just too fun and we've made such a big commitment to it.

teepee81 said...

forget the do-rag. I think he looks sexier w/ the white headband.

Anonymous said...

How about do-rag, with the white headband, wearing the green shorts doing his dance thing.

and we have a winner!

TenInchMan said...

The weekend of not so good...

Friday Meals:

Meal 1: prosciutto and cheese sandwich on multigrain bread
Meal 2: California Sandwich (Veal and cheese)
Meal 3: corned beef sandwich
Meal 4: BK double whopper combo w/poutine (so bad yet so good)

No excercise Friday


Meal 1: corned beef sandwich
Meal 2: 2 hard boiled eggs
Meal 3 1 lean burger on white bun
Meal 4: 200g piece of tuna and salad
Meal 5: 200g piece of tuna and salad

Again no excercise


Meal 1: 200g piece of salmon and salad, 2 hard boiled eggs and 2 slices ww bread
Meal 2: double leg dinner with fries at Swiss Chalet
Meal 3: lean burger on white bun w/ salad

Excercise: 4 hours of baseball practice.

Lately I have been feeling quite tired, and a tad lazy. Gotta keep plugging away. I know I know.

Anonymous said...

two weeks emil two weeks!
and you'll be rocking in your green shorts :|

teepee81 said...

No more slacking, Emil! how are you going to look sexy in those green shorts and green headband?
j/k. you're already sexy.

TenInchMan said...

Meals for yesterday:

Meal 1: carrots
Meal 2: prosciutto and cheese sandwich on brown bread
Meal 3: carrots and roasted unsalted peanuts
Meal 4: chicken fingers and salad
Meal 5: 2 hard boiled eggs

No excercise. It's been a bad stretch for me excercising. No excuses. I did go out yesterday and bought a new camera for myself and got caught up in playing with that, fixing my dad's computer and watching the Raptors lose... bastages!

teepee81 said...

We should go biking again. That seems to be your 'thing'. If only it weren't so cold

Anonymous said...

Wow thats a lot of carrots. Carrots for a whole meal?? Is carrots like corn where you don't really digest it and then pooh it out? LOL

TenInchMan said...

Yes carrots are like corn... lol.

And yes it's cold. My leg also hurts. And I have been more interested in my new toy of late. On the up side, my meals have been pretty clean.

Meals for April 29:

Meal 1: Tuna sandwich and 1 boiled egg
Meal 2: prosciutto and cheese on whole grain bread sandwich and salad with calorie wise dressing
Meal 3: chicken fingers and salad
Meal 4: 1 boiled egg and crackers and peanut butter
Meal 5: 1 boiled egg

No excercise except for my shutter finger (for my camera)

TenInchMan said...

Oh where to start... I picked my mom up yesterday from the airport. I left work early so that I could leave for the airport early. We got to the airport by 6pm... we had to wait til 730pm to get her... I didn't workout and i had a bad meal see below for details.

Meal 1: tuna on whole grain bread
Meal 2: prosciutto and cheese on whole grain with salad
Meal 3: 1 hard boiled egg.
Meal 4: classic double with fires and a diet coke at Wendy's while waiting for my mom
Meal 5: chicken breast, potato wedges and salad
Meal 6: chicken thigh and leg, potato wedges and potato salad.

No excercise

teepee81 said...

classic double with fires??? do you mean heartburn?
ahahah I miss french fries.
I hope I can control my intake of french fries on the cruise

Anonymous said...

MmmMM i love Wendys
combo # 6
Spicy Chicken

TenInchMan said...

I think the leg is getting worse! :S The swelling is still there, but the thing hurts like hell in the mornings now, and I can't walk without a limp... How long was it before yours stopped hurting Mary?

Meals for Thursday May 1.

Meal 1: PB on WW
Meal 2: 1/2 12" subway Club on brown
Meal 3: 1/2 12" Subway Club
Meal 4: chicken fingers, a chicken leg and salad

I brought a lot of work home with me last night, so I did not have time to eat another meal or to work out. By 10 my eyeballs were killing me (too much looking at computer screens) so I went to bed. I hope my leg gets better soon. I am thinking I should go to the walk in clinic today after work to possibly get x-rays done on my leg.
I just don't want anything put on it (like a cast) before the cruise lol.

TenInchMan said...

I haven't gone to the clinic yet, but I think I have a bone bruise... it is one degree away from a fracture lol. And apparently does not go away quickly... the pain that is...

Anonymous said...

Keep up the good work.